

How to Buy a Premium License

Buying a Premium License

Learn how to buy a premium Sellacious license for extra features and support.

  1. Go to www.sellacious.com.
  2. Click on PRICING from the menu options to see the different plans for Sellacious license.
  3. Click on BUY NOW button below the plan you want to purchase.Buylicense3
  4. CHECKOUT the license in your cart. Enter your email address which will be used later to activate your Sellacious license.Buylicense4
  5. Fill the required fields and proceed to payment. You can opt to select any of the payment methods available.Buylicense5
  6. Do the transaction with any payment method you want. After the successful transaction, you will get your Sellacious license.Buylicense6
  7. Go to Dashboard->Licenses after logging into your account to see your license details.Buylicense7 1
  • +91 9410060107
  • Email contact@sellacious.com
