

How to Manage Software/Distribution Licenses

How to Manage Software/Distribution Licenses

Learn how to manage licenses for Softwares and other E-products of your store in Sellacious.

  1. Go to the Sellacious admin panel of your website.
  2. To manage licenses, first navigate to Settings on the left side of the panel. Then, click on Licences option from the drop down menu.Licenses2
  3. In this window, you can create, edit, delete, enable or disable a license. To create a license, click on New button and fill the details for the license in License[edit] window. Save the details.Licenses3
  4. To use a license for a particular E-product, go to Product Catalogue from Shop drop down menu. As soon as you select the E-product for which you execute a license, you will be presented next to the Product window.Licenses4
  5. Go to Seller Specific tab in Product window. Select the license from Select License option drop down list. Click on Save button.Licenses5
  6. The license is successfully applied to the product.
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