  Thursday, 19 August 2021
  6 Replies
  3.5K Visits

I recently setup Stripe Connect with the updated packages you sent me.

However, I noticed both on Paypal and Stripe that despite having put a commission of 10% in, that this commission is not automatically deducted from the payment before it is sent to the seller.

Could you please point me to where this can be configured, I have already tried https://www.sellacious.com/learn/marketplace/shop-commissions

3 years ago
Accepted Answer
Shop commission is different than payment platform fee. Shop commission can be set from Global configuration-> Seller->On sale commission.
Suppose you have set 10% shop commission and 2% for payment fee for a £100 product, the buyer will pay £102 and after payment approval, shop owner will get £10 and seller will get £90. (here £2 which came as payment fee will go to stripe and not show in sellacious transaction and is will not be refundable).
In your stripe connect dashboard the received payment will be £102.

Hope this helps
3 years ago
Payment platform commission/fee can be set from payment method edit view.


NOTE: This transaction will not show up in sellacious transaction view but will be included in order total which you can check it in your stripe connect dashboard.

3 years ago
Hi Indresh,

Thanks for your speedy reply!

I did trial this method, forgive me if I'm wrong, but for me, it seemed to mean that that fee was shown to the user when ordering, and transacted from them, whereas what I thought would happen is that the user would say £200 for a product, and then the fee of 10% is automatically deducted (this 10% fee is our commission + cost of transaction fee) and the remaining £180 passed onto the seller.

You mention this can be checked in the stripe connect dashboard, is there configuration in there to change this?

3 years ago
Accepted Answer
Shop commission is different than payment platform fee. Shop commission can be set from Global configuration-> Seller->On sale commission.
Suppose you have set 10% shop commission and 2% for payment fee for a £100 product, the buyer will pay £102 and after payment approval, shop owner will get £10 and seller will get £90. (here £2 which came as payment fee will go to stripe and not show in sellacious transaction and is will not be refundable).
In your stripe connect dashboard the received payment will be £102.

Hope this helps
3 years ago

No there is no configuration to change it.

3 years ago

If there is no configuration to change it in stripe, and your platform displays it at front to the user and takes it from the user rather than hides it and takes from the seller, can you explain how your previous first answer is true then?
Just confusing that you say it will automatically deduct only from sellers, the platform fee, but then proceed to say that in fact it won't.

3 years ago
We are talking two fees here do not mix them.

1. Stripe Payment fee: it is shown to user when making payment but there will not be any transaction recored in transaction view for it because it is stripe commission which stripe will take for executing your payment.

2. Shop commission (platform fee): this is what you charge to sellers for selling their product on your shop. This will be deducted from the sellers account once the payment is completed, for this transaction record will be generated but nothing will be shown to buyer.

for price breakdown see my above answer. let me know if any confusion.

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