  Thursday, 15 June 2017
  16 Replies
  5.4K Visits
Hey Ankiat,
I have installed the sellacious but when a seller wants to upload products they get the permission error.
When I go to the backend to allow permission. I get a 404 error.
What can I do? please help.
7 years ago
sent check it out. Thanks a lot.
Hey Timo,

Could you please try that in your local development environment. Additionally, If you could provide me CPanel access via DM, I can have a look at it.
7 years ago
Yes all files have 0644 and folders 0755. If i increase the level in the db for the usergroup sellers. I grants the user full rights where they can view all menus
and upload the files successfully. but thats not how its supposed to be. the sellers should have limited view but should have permission to upload.
Emoticon Unhappy feeling stuck man.

Permission issue for sure. Can you please check if all files have 644 permissions and folders have 755?
7 years ago
Hey Ankit,
But the admin can upload. User can upload images but not attachments or products. could it be permission not granted in the DB?
Hi Timo,

It is not user based. Server is blocking the files.
7 years ago
This is how it looks
7 years ago
Hey Ankit,
Thanks for the reply, could the server block the user(seller) permission to upload files?
this is my major concern. How do I unblock the permission view?
Hi Timo,

Most Probably a misconfiguration with installation or Server is blocking the 'permissions view' which is causing the issue. Try giving it a go on your localserver.

Additionally, You can check with GoDaddy about 403 issue.
7 years ago
Hey, did you have a chance to look at it.
7 years ago
Activated. sent the sellers account information and see how they cant upload the electronic products.


Can you also send me the user access of problematic seller? Also, I would suggest you to activate Sellacious.
7 years ago
sure. check it out.
Can you please send me the Joomla administrator access via Direct Message please?
7 years ago
Thanks for getting back,
The seller creates account, admin unblocks (approves)them as sellers.
The seller logs in the account and adds electronic product, then saves,
then goes to upload the product then they get the error"you do not have permission to the resource"

When admin goes to permission on the settings you get a 404 when you click on the admin sellers permission.

server is the standard godaddy hosting.
Hi Kaleps,

Can you please explain me how seller is uploading product?
Also, Can you please tell me about the server configuration.
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