  Sunday, 01 July 2018
  1 Replies
  4.1K Visits

I have a suggestion -

Suppose I create a product "Red Shirt". Now this has two variants based on the size "M" & "L". These two variants are displayed correctly within the "Red Shirt". However, if from Global Configuration > Multi Variants the option selected is "Show each variant as a separate product" is selected, then the number of items shown go up from 1 to 3, when it just should be 2 i.e Red Shirt Size M & Red Shirt Size L and the basic Red Shirt should be hidden or should be allowed to be hidden without the two variants (now being shown as different products) being hidden.

Further, when variants are created a seller might not want to display the prices of all the variants or may want to show the price of one variant and may want the buyer to contact the seller for the other variant. This is even more important when these items are shown as individual products. For one variant the price may be displayed as 'x' and for the other the seller might want to display the query form or the email or the phone number.

Lastly, this what I believe is a bug -
For the variants it is not possible to set the quantities in stock till the seller does not opt to display the prices i.e for other options (phone, email and query), the stock held and the price option are both hidden.

6 years ago
Is there a way to sort the variants both at the backend and frontend?
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