  Tuesday, 18 October 2016
  4 Replies
  4.2K Visits
do you have any type of documentation on how this system works???????Emoticon Smile I cannot figure your system out or how to get a registered sell or just myself onto the system when I log in
You got sample data installed when you loggedin?

If yes, you can start creating products as first step and ot will be live on website.

If you do not have sample data and configuring is long.

1) Create a Product, Manufacturer & Seller category (default)
2) Create a Manufacturer, Seller in those category.
3) Global Configuration: add the seller which you have just made as default seller.
4) Enable Marketplace if you want sellers to sell on your website

5) Create you First Product: remember to add price, stock and mark them as "selling"
6) enable currencies you want to deal in. and select you store default currency from Global Config

and that product will show on front end. for further purchase.

Our extension comes with free Paypal and Geolocations. all currencies are already in the system, if you cant see them, filter to see all currencies and enable the currency you want for your website.

Paypal is included rest is paid. Geolocations can be added. all countries are already in the system for free zip level data is paid.

Still finding any trouble? free users can get 15 min free Skype/Teamviewer support.

Documentation is for Annual subscribers right now and will be available for free members on 25th Dec 2016.

8 years ago
I tried the geolocations and this is what I get for a reply.: Warning Access to the selected resource was denied. You might not have the required privilege in the current context.
HOw do I fix the geolocations and where to find paypal.
I cannot wait until dec 25. Merry xmas I am ready to do something now if possible. I do not mind paying to upgrade to paid if the system works properly. Need to try it out first.
Please check your permission

right side menu of sellacious > permissions

I am sure they are messed up. better is to login by super admin and then access geo location.

If you are still finding trouble with it, provide us the access and we can fix it for you.

if you want we can provide free account for you where you can test sellacious on live server.
Hi Tracy,

We have updated our documentation.
You can follow this link for a detailed tutorial on shipping rules:

Ankit A.
Team Sellacious
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