  Tuesday, 03 October 2017
  10 Replies
  5.8K Visits
I have a problem concerning the seo friendly url of products.
Seo friendly urls work for category (as shown in IMG1 in which "ingegneria1" and "ambiente-risorse-territorio1" are two example of categories).
On the other hand if I click on "view all products" of category "ambiente-risorse-territorio1" i get the url shown in IMG2.
Additionally I get the error; "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\Users\marco\Desktop\XAMPP\htdocs\UniAppunti\templates\squick\html\com_sellacious\products\default_filter.php on line 40".
If I select a product of that category I get the url of IMG3 (the url in my opinion should be: https://localhost/UniAppunti/store/unifi/ingegneria1/ambiente-risorse-territorio1/chimica-esercizi)

Thank you
1. The PHP error message that you are getting is most likely because you may have an older version of sQuick template package and a newer version of Sellacious. Please check if this is the case, otherwise please provide your FTP and database credentials, and Joomla site credentials so that we can assist you better.

2. The SEF URL for product pages should work if you create a menu item for the products details page. Go to Joomla menu manager and create a new menu item as shown in the images attached below. We are working hard to build better SEF URLs and it should be coming soon.

Hope this helps.

7 years ago
Thank you for your kind reply.

This weekend I will check if I have an old SQuick version and I will try also the solution you suggested about Seo Urls.
I will let you know if I find problems.

Thank you
7 years ago
Hello Abhishek,

I did a brief test and the procedure you suggested about Seo Urls works correctly.
Just one question about it.
At the end of the product url it appears the name of seller. Is there a way to remove it (I would like to show only the alias I added during produc creation)?

About PHP error, currently I am running Sellacious 1.5 and SQuick 2.3.0. No update of template are available in Joomla panel.
Is there a new release of SQuick template?
If you need I can send you by pm credentials to my website.

Please let me know and thank you
Hi Marco1990,

We have already noted this issue and planned to release this in our upcoming version.
But as we are releasing a new version by today and this feature is not in this package, we'll fix this for you just after you'll update you sellacious.

Thank you
7 years ago
I updated today to Sellacious new version.

Is this issue resolved?

7 years ago
Hello Asfaque,
currently not, but in your last reply you wrote that it will be fixed in next release.
So I think it will be soon, should I mark this post as solved?
7 years ago
The issue I am referring to is the name of seller at the end of the url.
About the first issue I wrote about in this post yes, it is solved.
7 years ago
Edit this File:

Line ~ 504:

$sql->clear()->select('a.username')->from($db->qn('#__users', 'a'))->where('a.id = ' . (int) $sellerUid);
$value = $db->setQuery($sql)->loadResult();
$segments[] = $value ? urlencode($value) : $sellerUid;

I just commented this part out and the SEF Url shows without the Username.
Hi Nico,

Great Job, you did it right.

We have also applied the same in single seller account configuration. When the site is configured as multi-seller there will be no change.

And Marco we haven't released the updated version, but we will soon.

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