  Wednesday, 27 September 2017
  43 Replies
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Hello Support

we are in the process of building a multivendor system locally in my country. we are comparing different solutions such as magento cscart yokart etc
and am reviewing this now to go premium if all requirements are met, so i want to see if i can do certain things.

1) can i add the seller on the product before i click on it? I know that by default, The product with lowest price is shown but this is not convenient for us. We want all the products to be displayed with the seller tad as per image example where the seller is Shark. our goal is to show all products with the seller tag before clicking on it
so the user will be aware about which sellers have the product they are looking for such as the picture i have sent
can we do that with this system or not? using add-ons or something.

2) We want the global system currency to be Euros e.g. i can see from the commission page it shows % or USD. As this is locally we don't care about other currencies.
i think is under Shop Settings in Global Configuration-> Shop Currency

3) We will sign up sellers and we will provide them the option to either use their own shipping or our shipping. Not sure how we can set this through sellacious?

4) How the commission is being managed ? Optimally we want to charge per category e.g. electronics will have 10% clothes 7% etc. Can we do that or is not possible?

5) The % of our margins are automatically send to our PayPal account or how this works? Is there a fee from PayPal we need to take into consideration?

6) I saw that most systems use PayPal Adaptive Payments is this the same as your standard one?

7) Where i can set up seller PayPal details ?

8) Can a user cancel the order? How the seller/admin is notified or can view the requests?

9) How refunds are implemented into the system?

10) How is the tax being calculated by admin or the seller needs to include this on the price when they upload their products?

11) Can we choose any of the templates once we go premium e.g. jcart?

12) Can a seller add their own policies e.g return, shipping, cancelation policies? How is this managed from the system?

13) How can i use the addons you advertise on your page e.g.

30 Addons
Through Sellacious addons you can easily create a custom Product & Category page
Category Title
Category Image

Apologise for all of the questions and am not expecting a quick response so please take your time.
Hi Valantis,

I would be glad to answer your queries:

1. You can list products of each seller differently. Showing Seller name is possible with little code, We'll happily do that for you if you are on Premium Plan.
2. You are correct, You can change currency to Euros and disable all other currencies.
3. This is partially possible, Either You can ship all products via shop or they can ship via themselves. We can modify this for you as well for some price.
4. Yes, Charging via category is possible in Sellacious.
5. The full amount reaches to your account and Seller just gets the notification. You later transfer the amount to sellers(after charging your fees).
6. We are using many payment plugins. Paypal Adaptive is still in beta. We're doing some experiments with it and would switch to it later.
7. In User Profiles(Sellacious Backend)
8. Order Cancellations can be done by Seller/Admins. The buyer would need to contact the concerned person for this.
9. This would be done in two steps: First, buyer would need to request admin/shop owner for cancellation. If the request has been accepted, Shop would can either refund the money in e-wallet(instant) or can go to Paypal orders and submit reversal.
10. Sellacious has dedicated taxation system. You can apply tax rules and it will be added to the product. Sellers don't need to take care of it. You just need to create the correct taxation rules to make everything work.
11. Yes, You can choose any of our templates. 1 template comes complimentary with Lifetime Plan.
12. Yes, Sellacious has a dedicated section for that. They can even set different policies for different products.
13. These add-ons work with SP Page builder. You just need to download a plugin and use SP Page Builder to create page templates.
7 years ago
Hello Ankit,

Thank you for the great response. Few more below :

3. We will sign up sellers and we will provide them the option to either use their own shipping or our shipping. Not sure how we can set this through sellacious?

This is partially possible, Either You can ship all products via shop or they can ship via themselves. We can modify this for you as well for some price

Where the seller enters the shipping cost for their items?

7. Where i can set up seller PayPal details ?
In User Profiles(Sellacious Backend)

On user/seller profiles you can set banking details (Banking & Taxation). The PayPal account is just the email of the user? How this is related ?

8. Can a user cancel the order? How the seller/admin is notified or can view the requests?
Order Cancellations can be done by Seller/Admins. The buyer would need to contact the concerned person for this
How a user contacts the seller to cancel it. When you click on a seller through the front end you can only see the name of the seller

1) what is the Percent and flat fee under Payments Methods?

2) How can i disable checkout as guest?

3) Where can i see which shipping is applied to a product? Under the Shipping tab when i edit a product i can see the below: In case the flat shipping cost is not enterered following information will be used to calculate shipment cost from our shipment partners. Where is the shipping is entered?

4) How can i disable the promote code?
Hi Valantis,

3. Sellers can set up their own shipping rules. i.e, Depending on Weight, Size, Region etc. and it will be applied to the product.
7. Yes, It is just email of users.
8. There was a messaging system in place but it has been disabled for some reasons. For now, Buyers can contact admins via email.

Regarding your other questions,

1. Let's say Paypal charges 2% on each other + 0.30$ per order. You can either take the cost on your own or transfer it to buyer using these options. The amount would be charged extra.
2. It's in Global configuration > Shop Setting. Select 'Allow Guest Checkout' to No.
3. Shipping is applied to products via Shipping rules.
4. Don't create any promotion code and hide it via CSS.
7 years ago
That's great thanks:

3. We will sign up sellers and we will provide them the option to either use their own shipping or our shipping. Not sure how we can set this through sellacious?

This is partially possible, Either You can ship all products via shop or they can ship via themselves. We can modify this for you as well for some price .

Where the seller enters the shipping cost for their items?

Sellers can set up their own shipping rules. i.e, Depending on Weight, Size, Region etc. and it will be applied to the product

I have enabled the permission for a seller to create shipping rules while I have the Edit Shipping Rule denied and the create new rule throws an error: Access to the selected resource was denied. You might not have the required privilege in the current context. Why is that?
Is there a way that each seller can view and edit only their rules?

8. Can a user cancel the order? How the seller/admin is notified or can view the requests?

Order Cancellations can be done by Seller/Admins. The buyer would need to contact the concerned person for this.

How a user contacts the seller to cancel it. When you click on a seller through the front end you can only see the name of the seller

There was a messaging system in place but it has been disabled for some reasons. For now, Buyers can contact admins via email.

Is this going to be enabled on the future or is there a work around? Is not very convenient for us to manage returns for all sellers

15. How can i disable checkout as guest?
It's in Global configuration > Shop Setting. Select 'Allow Guest Checkout' to No.

No such option. I think you need to edit the payment option e.g. Paypal to disable this
3. This is handled by Permissions(Global Configuration > Permissions). Are you logged in via Super user?
8. We will make it working again in the near future.

I have been mistaken about the Guest Checkout option. We'll add that option in later version too.
7 years ago
3. This is handled by Permissions(Global Configuration > Permissions). Are you logged in via Super user?

yes i am super user: As you can see on the attached image edit shipping rule is set to deny which also don't allow a seller to create new shipping rule.
Every seller can see all shipping rules and when they edit a rule it applies to everyone not just theirs?
Hello Valantis,

Is your site online? Can i have a look at it to check the issue?
7 years ago

No this is installed on localhost using latest Joomla + Sellacious 1.5.0
Are you planning to make the site live in near future? I can have a look at it if need be.
7 years ago
We are in the process where we are setting up the Requirements and reviewing different multivendor systems.
if all are good we will go premium and then set it up on a server test and then go live.

I can install team viewer quick support so you can have a look?
Sure. Please send me the details via Direct Message.
7 years ago
1) There is another major bug. When a normal seller creates a product there is no Price field when filling the product details?

2) Also when we try to preview the Products page from Sp-builder we get the below error

Warning: require_once(C:\xampp\htdocs\cypbay\libraries/joomla/document/html/renderer/head.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\cypbay\templates\squick\error.php on line 42

Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'C:\xampp\htdocs\cypbay\libraries/joomla/document/html/renderer/head.php' (include_path='C:\xampp\php\PEAR') in C:\xampp\htdocs\cypbay\templates\squick\error.php on line 42
1. The price options and almost everything is controlled via permission settings. You can manage the permissions from Settings > Permissions in the sellacious backend. Set the permission – "Edit Own Price" for "Sellers" to "Allow", this should fix the issue.

2. Thank you for reporting this to us. This is an issue with the Helix Framework since Joomla 3.8. We are talking with the team and we will provide you the patch in two days time.

Please, do let us know if you still find any issues.

7 years ago
Hello Abhishek,

Thank you for your response.
The pricing is now working fine as the permissions did the trick.

other issue the shipping rules. It should have the option to Edit own Shipping rules like other permissions as you provide the option to choose who will be responsible to ship items. Seller can see all shipping rules based on the current Sellacious setup and when the setup is as per image below
seller cannot create a shipping rule as he gets ' Warning Access to the selected resource was denied. You might not have the required privilege in the current context.' This is also happening on your demo.
7 years ago
Hello Abhishek,

I am not sure if this a bug or something but in random occasions i get the following error:

7 years ago
Also when i click the Menu manager i also get an error as per below:

Hi Valantis,

We are launching version 1.5.1 tomorrow, it includes the fixes for both issues above.

7 years ago

Is the 1.5.1 out yet? How i update the module?
7 years ago
just updated from joomla but the version is Sellacious 1.4.x
Also the shipping issue still exist post #14
Hi Valantis,

If your sellacious version is 1.4x then you to update twice it. When you check for an update it will first update to 1.5.0 and then recheck for update it will show you the latest one 1.5.1. And all the bugs you've pointed has been fixed in it.

Please check for the update now, your find update notifications.

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