Good evening to you all. I want to start off by saying that your Joomla component is the only one out there that I can trust would be perfect for my website. I truly mean that. However, it's unfortunate that to date I am plagued with the importer 8K row size problem and because of that I have not been able to import a single solitary product

. I see you have a cloud based service and was curious. Is it possible that I might experience the same problem there as well? I could not solve the 8K row size problem through my hosting support because I am currently doing the build on a shared MySQL VPS and due to that they are unable to change to 64K as recommended. I intended to move my site to my own server in the future once I go live but I am currently limited in budget until the site is completed and must use the shared VPS services for now. It's such a shame because your component is really an amazing piece of work but I need a solution soon.