  Thursday, 03 August 2017
  4 Replies
  2.9K Visits
Good evening! I would translate all sellacious's strings (example on attachment) on frontend web site, like buy now, add to cart, compare, submit a query, show cart and all other related frontend strings, but I don't find language files of sellacious; I only find backend language files, no one for frontend. Where can I find these files to translate them in my language?
Hi Domenico,

Yes, You can translate Sellacious in any other language. You first need to install a language pack(Let's say Italian)
This tutorial can be referenced for it:

Once you have installed a language pack, You can translate Sellacious like another Joomla extension.
Tutorial here:

Sellacious is a community driven platform and We're looking for language collaborator all around the world. Please note that some of the keys in Sellacious are yet not translatable. We aim to come up with 100% translatable strings in next version.
7 years ago
Thank you for the answer, but in the "en-GB.com_sellacious.ini" file I don't find important strings like "BUY NOW", "ADD TO CART", "COMPARE"..where are they located? Or will they be translatable in the next sellacious version?
Yes, We aim to make Sellacious 100% translatable in next version.
Hi Domenico,

Please let us know if you still facing the same issue or it has been resolved. Please update to latest version of sellacious and your template.
If it has been resolved, please mark this post as resolved.

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