  Sunday, 08 August 2021
  5 Replies
  3.8K Visits
Hi, I just purchased your Stripe Connect package and integrated it into my platform, however when I was testing it, regardless of sandbox or real mode, I get the following error:

Too few arguments to function SellaciousHelperOrder::createTransactions(), 1 passed in /mnt/data/vhosts/https://casite-1340816.cloudaccess.net/httpdocs/plugins/sellaciouspayment/stripeconnectseparate/stripeconnectseparate.php on line 456 and exactly 2 expected

Would you be able to fix this please, I expected it to work, but sadly no luck.
3 years ago
Accepted Answer
We have fixed the issue and can provide you updated stripe connect package.
That will also need the latest sellacious 2.0-rc5.
pls message me your official email and i will send you both the packages with the update instructions.

3 years ago
Can you tell us where are you getting this error? is it in payment method view, in payment step of checkout or on order sucess/failure page?
please provide screenshot if possible.

3 years ago
Hi Indresh,

So if I go through the process of adding something to basket, going to cart (also reindexing doesn't fix the issue with the popup saying go to cart leading you to a 404 but that's another issue) then going through and entering details for postage etc.
The final stage where you have the option of paypal or stripe. If you click stripe then proceed to pay, it then errors out like attached.

I checked and the OAuth works fine for the Standard account we have, so the sellers account seems to be registered correctly to the payment system, but it is when I go to pay that this occurs.

3 years ago
Pls also tell us what is your sellacious version. That will help us to test the issue in same version.
3 years ago

I am still on Sellacious 2.0.0 beta3, as always on all my previous correspondence with you.

3 years ago
Accepted Answer
We have fixed the issue and can provide you updated stripe connect package.
That will also need the latest sellacious 2.0-rc5.
pls message me your official email and i will send you both the packages with the update instructions.

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