  Saturday, 24 July 2021
  6 Replies
  3.4K Visits
Hi, Me again Emoticon Tongue

I was wondering if there was some fix for this, I've tried on many mobiles and the site doesn't adapt well to mobile.
Mainly the product categories don't adapt to mobile.

Do you have any thoughts on this please?
3 years ago
Accepted Answer
Hi Indresh,

I reinstalled from backup late last night, and it fixed them all, but I forgot to say on here sorry.
It seemed to have been some issue with my server provider, they accidentally deleted several of my files from my website unknowingly, including my SSL certificate and the likes.

Indeed, it now works lovely, thank you Emoticon Smile
3 years ago
sellacious templates are responsive for the mobile and tablet devices. However if you are facing the issue can you provide me the your template version and viewport size and model of the mobile device you are testing the page we will check and fix it in upcoming versions.

3 years ago
Hi Indresh,

I'm using Joomla! 3.9.28 Stable with Sellacious 2.0.0-beta3 and helixultimate 1.1.4.
I have tested it on:
Iphone 8 (Real phone): 414x736 css Height x Width
Iphone X: 375x812 css Height x Width
LG V20 (Real Phone): 360x640
LG G2 (Real Phone):360x640 css Height x Width
Moto G4: 360x640 css Height x Width
Samsung Galaxy S5: 360x640 css Height x Width
Pixel 2: 412x640 css Height x Width
Pixel 2XL: 412x731 css Height x Width

and a few others but the same issue where the product boxes are half on the screen but not clickable, and don't adapt still exists on all above.
I wonder if this might be a setting that can be enabled to make it responsive?
Just seems unusual for it to not work on all.
3 years ago
Hi, i have checked the site is some mobile devices (not all the listed by you) at my end product blocks are very much clickable and showing well.
see this screenshot

please check in actual devices and point me to specific issue with screenshot taken in mobile devices.

3 years ago
Accepted Answer
Hi Indresh,

I reinstalled from backup late last night, and it fixed them all, but I forgot to say on here sorry.
It seemed to have been some issue with my server provider, they accidentally deleted several of my files from my website unknowingly, including my SSL certificate and the likes.

Indeed, it now works lovely, thank you Emoticon Smile
3 years ago
Another cheap and dirty fix for anyone with same issue as me, make sure your SPPageBuilderis set to full width, and then go to advanced and set custom width override to 100, and that also solves it.
3 years ago
Please mark it resolved if it is fixed.

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