  Sunday, 06 June 2021
  9 Replies
  3.5K Visits
I have difficulties creating color and sizes for products. It should be very easy for sellers to be able to create color and size of products. - some sellers are just not computer literate.

Please help by creating a video tutorial to show how to do that.

3 years ago
Yeah, it will be helpful for us if you could create a video tutorial and a complete guide to uploading product upload. I have been working with some of the Titlebest web development companies in the past, but I am completely new to this field. So, I find it difficult to upload product images in a proper manner. Thanks.
3 years ago

You can also create the same as mentioned in documentation for variants, all sizes are attached to one colour product only. What exactly is not working in that? Yes, that way is little long but you can do as shown in your screenshot.

We are working on sellacious to make it use easier. It will take some time.

3 years ago
Hi Rashi,

Thank you for your answer.

1. You say that you do not support the drop-down list now but in the mentioned post you say that you support the drop-down list. I don't understand this so different answers.

2. Thanks for adding a new page to your documentation and for creating these variants in the demo.

Can you please confirm that it is a user-friendly solution to create and what is worse to show 24 variants/product-variations in the case where one product, let's use a t-shirt as an example, is in 5 colours and each colour has 5 different sizes in stock?

Considering the Sellacious is used as a multi-vendor marketplace where each seller is not a website designer but an ordinary shop owner or its staff we have to ask them to spend a good 20 minutes to add actually one product to the site. And even if we get vendors to find the time and patience (after we educate them how to do it) to add products this way (ohh and they need to remember or use copy/paste the hex code for the same colour variants) then all of those variations are displayed on the front side under the main product which in my opinion does not look right at all.
We use "show variants as options to the main product" settings under the marketplace choice... Is there a way to hide size variations?

Do you plan to make sellacious easy to use for those who wish to sell items in different sizes?
If so then can you please provide the time when we can expect this must-have feature?
The best scenario would be to allow variants (colours) to have their own options without creating additional variants.

The documentation for variants:
includes the screenshot (I'm attaching it here as well) of the variants where each colour is available in different sizes but all sizes are attached to one colour product only... I was able to create the same before, which was mentioned above in this post, but as you know it does not work properly so I'm guessing now that you went the long way and created additional variants for every colour and every size (unique URLs).

And now you have two documentation pages with different explanations and showing different examples, the old page showing how it should be done (but what actually does not work properly) and the new page which is showing how to make it work but this way is simply not user friendly at all, both for seller and shopper.

Thank you again!
3 years ago

From the above post link, customer ask about this in post. We dont support dropdown list.

Also for size, you can create checkboxes attribute. For more details please see the below documentation

Product details page will look like this:

Hope this helps
3 years ago
Or Rashi, please let me know which of FIELD TYPEs should I choose to create the sizes for clothing where customers can select the size from the dropdown list without showing all sizes as variant products underneath?

Look here:
What way can I add available sizes for each colour?
Thank you!
3 years ago
Hello Rashi,

Where did I read about the drop-down list? It wasn't documentation but a forum post here


I don't think that you understand me correctly.
I have a product in 5 different colour variants. I am able to create one product, and using the colour picker attribute I can create 4 more variants, each with a different colour attribute. Each variant stock works fine!
And now, How can I let buyers to choose the right size of the colour they like? Each colour variant as well as the main product should have sizes available as variants if I understand how sellacious works... First, the customer makes a choice of the colour, next there should be a list of sizes available, a dropdown list or any other option selection feature... But I can't figure out how to create (size)variants of (colour)variants.

If the above is too much then maybe you can help me to understand how to create one product and let customers to choose the size of it, i.e. XS, S, M, L, XL..? I was able to create variants with product attributes (checkboxes) but it is not user friendly at all to show additional variations of a product where variation is actually different size only... But even this does not work properly, I was able to get sizes shown as buttons on the main product, one only was selected, the main one! After you click on a different size, the page loads the correct variant URL but the selection stays still on the first one which from the end-user point of view looks like nothing has changed... First of all, I don't want to show additional variations under the product only with different sizes... I just say here that even this scenario makes end-user confused which will lead to leaving the site for sure...
3 years ago

Could you please share the doc link where you read the dropdown list for support, so that we can elaborate this accordingly.

Also Multivariants both options working fine here, please check in your variants stock is available or not. If stock is not there in variant then main product will show in list view.

3 years ago
What is the best solution for selling products in different sizes (same price)?
I have been trying all of the variants but they don't work at all... I mean, so far only color picker works ok... other checkboxes, etc are not user-friendly... I read here on the forum that sellacious supports a dropdown list for sizes so buyers can choose it from the list... It seems it is not working on my version 2 (rc3)

For clothing/shoes sizes, the best would be variants that "show variants as options to the main product" or to the variant product - on my installations this multi variants option behaves the same as "enabled but do not show variants in product list" - it creates the product variation but with checkboxes and other (except color picker) when a user clicks on let's say size even if the page reloads the selection of the size does stay same like the main product....

Or maybe I am missing something

Thank you
3 years ago
Hi, please have a look on this video hope this helps https://www.loom.com/share/19f349b9ce0944aea09c17f03cb4506c .
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