  Thursday, 22 April 2021
  3 Replies
  2.2K Visits
Is there a way to make certain items only visible to the associated client level? I have some products that should only be visible to instructors signed in at Instructor or Corp client level. But the items still show in the public catalog as Free. Not exactly accurate. What am I missing? Thank you!
3 years ago
This functionality is under development right now, we can't say when it will be available for public use because we have other features in priority list. However if you can sponser it we can put it on priority development.

what does that mean to sponsor it? You mean pay you for it right? That makes no sense. Is there a way to sort them out by default them so that they actually have to click the category link rather than have the items mixed in with retail? It is going to cause such a headache because the items appear "FREE" to the public, so at least I won't have to make refunds, but it is going to cause a lot of aggravation for customers who think they can order it because they see it. So far it doesn't seem we have much control over the items as they display. They seem to just display willy nilly randomly, etc. It should be far easier to manipulate my items than to just have them all in there and all randomly displayed. I can't find any documentation on how to manipulate what people see when they come to my cart. I'd really like them to just see categories and maybe one featured item.
3 years ago
Yes sponsor means you have to pay, if confirm i can give you quote and time required for the development.
pls follow this documentation in order to control your frontend display https://www.sellacious.com/documentation-v2#/learn/global-configurations/frontend-display-options

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