  Tuesday, 23 February 2021
  11 Replies
  4.9K Visits
On Upgrading to v2.0.0-beta3 , I am getting the following error, when site is being opened.

SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 near "(": syntax error

Please help me to fix this error.

Thanks & Regards,
4 years ago
On commenting the following line in .../libraries/sellacious/objects/Sellacious/Cache/Storage/Sqlite

// $query->clear('select')->select('SUM(1) OVER ()'); // arshad

the error disappeared.
But the page is not displaying properly. I don't think this is the proper fix. Please suggest.
Moreover, I am also getting the following error in other pages.
Layout default_price not found.

Please consider this in priority.
Thanks & regards,
4 years ago
Hi Arshad,
Do not comment any code, you just need to rebuilt cache and index after that.
But prior to that pls make sure your system fulfils these requirements https://www.sellacious.com/documentation-v2#/learn/basics/system-requirements

For pricing related error make sure there are not layout override in you template.

4 years ago
Hi Andresh
Thanks for the support. I tried your suggestion. I get the following notification on rebuilding cache, but the issue remains intake.
Success The cache rebuild process was queued up to run in the background.

Regarding pricing related issue, please tell me how will I do it it template.
4 years ago
Typo : not "intake", it is unfixed.
4 years ago
Can you tell me that what template is on your website and what is the version of sellacious?

also your system should fulfil these requirements https://www.sellacious.com/documentation-v2#/learn/basics/system-requirements
this is must, specially sqlite version an php executable cli.

4 years ago
Template on my website is squick and the version of the sellacious upgraded to the pkg_sellacious_v2.0.0-beta3.zip and
pkg_sellacious_extended_v2.0.0-beta3.zip. The system requirements are fulfilled, except the sqlite3 which shows the correct version on command line after upgrading it, but it still showing the old version in phpinfo query as you will find on clicking the followinf link.

Please consider this priority.

Thanks & Regards,
4 years ago
Thats exactly what is causing the issue, pls contact your server provider and upgrade sqlite version 3.25.2 or later version.
It should show in phpinfo too.
4 years ago
Hi Indresh,
Thank you so much. We manage our servers ourselves. It is true that phpinfo still shows the older version of sqlite, but if this would be the cause of the error in question, then fresh installation of the version also be having this error. Yes, the fresh installation is working fine as you can check in the following link although the phpinfo even here shows the older version of Sqlite3.



Thanks & Regards,
4 years ago
Is this a sellacious_v2.0.0-beta3 ? because this requirement is for sellacious_v2.0.0-beta3. fresh installtion work fine because it is sellacious_v2.0.0-beta1.
if otherwise let me know.
4 years ago
Hi Indresh,
Thank you so much. You are right. Fresh installed sellacious is having version sellacious_v2.0.0-beta1 with quickstart bundled. Under the situation, we request you to guide us in sqlite3 version issue. We have already upgraded the sqlite3 to 3.34.1 version and it s appearing in using command, Sqlite3 -- version and in python as follows:-
# pythone
>> import Sqlite3
>> Sqlite3.sqlite_versio

But in phpinfo it is still showing the older version 3.7.17

Thanks & Regards
Arshad Hussain

Is this a sellacious_v2.0.0-beta3 ? because this requirement is for sellacious_v2.0.0-beta3. fresh installtion work fine because it is sellacious_v2.0.0-beta1.
if otherwise let me know.
4 years ago
This is server related issue so Kindly send this issue to your server provider, i think sqlite version is not correctly updated for your instance.
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