  Thursday, 21 January 2021
  1 Replies
  3.4K Visits
Hello guys,

Im running AMPPS servers locally for Sellacious Beta3 version. But there is requirement php_executable_path has to mentioned precisely to run beta3.

I tried following in configuration.php Windows 10 OS but does not work for me.

public $php_executable = 'C:\\Program Files\\Ampps\\php-7.3/php.exe';

Can anyone suggest what is correct path or how to enable php_executable_cli path?
I don't mind to use another Servers XAMMP or WAMP or whatever.

My objective is to run Sellacious beta3 locally for changes and modification.

Because of this Im getting following errors according to support team:

the products cache is outdated. You need to rebuild cache once after sellacious has been updated to a new version.

Thanks in advance!
4 years ago
Path to php cli is path of php in your system. You can either look by yourself an save it in configuration.php or ask your server provider to enable it for your instance.
Here are some example-
Xampp on mac: Mac- public $php_executable = '/Applications/XAMPP/bin/php';
Wamp on Windows- public $php_executable = 'C:\wamp64\bin\php\php7.3.12/php.exe';


Hope this helps thanks
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