Hi, Vincent Mross
Have you tried making product cache?
If not please make product cache from sellacious backend.
Follow this documentation https://www.sellacious.com/documentation-v2#/learn/how-to/how-to-rebuilt-cache
Yes, pls send me latest cache log which can be found in /tmp folder of root where you have installed sellacious.
Look for file named s-cache-xxxxx.log.
I'm unable to download the file.
Kindly reach me on live chat support and i will look into the issue.
Error: Call to undefined method SellaciousCacheCli::setHeader(): Call to undefined method SellaciousCacheCli::getClientId()
Php executable cli is not enable on your server, kindly ask your server provider to to so.
Once enabled your will not get error in cache log
path. Use the one which is working.HI, pls compare configuration.php on both the installation and try to correctpath. Use the one which is working.
Hope this helps
Thank you.
public $php_executable = '/usr/local/bin/php';
it would be something like this
public $php_executable = '/usr/local/bin/php';
where "/usr/local/bin/php" is the path of your php cli it can be different for your server so you can ask it to your server provider.
Thank You
Ijaray J. (InMotion Hosting)
Dec 13, 2021, 5:42 AM EST
Hello Vincent,
Thank you for contacting Support. My name is Ijaray. I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing issues with Sellacious. I'd be happy to look into that for you.
Sellacious is out of scope but I did check on PHP executable as well as the PHP version for the red3surf.com. The current PHP version is 7.4 and when I created a php.info page I was able to confirm that the PHP executable is not disabled.
I understand this is frustrating but my recommendation would be to continue working with the Sellacious support team to troubleshoot this issue. If you have any other questions or need to confirm anything else please feel free to reach out.
Thanks again for contacting Support. Don't forget we're here 24/7 if you have any questions or concerns. You may receive an email requesting feedback feel free to tell us how we did today. Have a great day!
Best Regards,
Ijaray J.
InMotion Hosting
Php cli is one of the requirement to run sellacious and it is the responsibility of sever provider to fulfil it.
However if the server can't you can go for our cloud plan https://www.sellacious.com/sellacious-cloud-marketplace-pricing
where we run your site on our fast servers and will take care of all the requirement.
Thank You.