  Saturday, 16 January 2021
  24 Replies
  4.9K Visits
Installed and re-installed via the web (2nd part gives 404 ) and via download. Seems to install OK until come to click on Product Catalogue and get Warning "Cache storage database not found for products. You may need to rebuild the cache first." Done the rebuilding and Auto-fix but the same message remains. Can you point me into a direction to resolve this please.

4 years ago
Please make sure your system is fulfilling these requirements https://www.sellacious.com/documentation-v2#/learn/basics/system-requirements
and php executable cli is enabled on your server.
After that rebuilt cache, it will work.
If still not work let me know on live chat.

3 years ago
Hello Indresh, I have same problem. As far as I can see, the system satisfy all the requirements given on referred link, and php-cli is installend and enabled. Looking in the file tmp/s-cache-xxx.log, following report is given (I changed to xxx for security):

Sellacious Cache Cli
Cache build starting...
Initializing cache rebuild…
Running products cache rebuild…
========= ERROR ===================
could not find driver

/home/xxx/public_html/libraries/sellacious/objects/Sellacious/Cache/Storage/Sqlite/SqliteCacheStorageBuild.php : 363

#0 /home/xxx/public_html/libraries/sellacious/objects/Sellacious/Cache/Storage/Sqlite/SqliteCacheStorageBuild.php(363): PDO->__construct()
#1 /home/xxx/public_html/libraries/sellacious/objects/Sellacious/Cache/Storage/Sqlite/SqliteCacheStorageBuild.php(338): Sellacious\Cache\Storage\Sqlite\SqliteCacheStorageBuild->openSqliteDatabase()
#2 /home/xxx/public_html/libraries/sellacious/objects/Sellacious/Cache/Storage/Sqlite/SqliteCacheStorageBuild.php(77): Sellacious\Cache\Storage\Sqlite\SqliteCacheStorageBuild->createTemporaryStorage()
#3 /home/xxx/public_html/libraries/sellacious/objects/Sellacious/Cache/Builder/ProductsCacheBuilder.php(69): Sellacious\Cache\Storage\Sqlite\SqliteCacheStorageBuild->initialise()
#4 /home/xxx/public_html/sellacious/cli/sellacious_cache.php(133): Sellacious\Cache\Builder\ProductsCacheBuilder->build()
#5 /home/xxx/public_html/sellacious/cli/sellacious_cache.php(78): SellaciousCacheCli->start()
#6 /home/xxx/public_html/libraries/src/Application/CliApplication.php(143): SellaciousCacheCli->doExecute()
#7 /home/xxx/public_html/sellacious/cli/sellacious_cache.php(162): Joomla\CMS\Application\CliApplication->execute()
#8 {main}
========= ERROR ==================
Product output cache deleted.

Cache finished.

Looks like a driver is missing or unavailable, do you know what the problem could be?

kind regards,
3 years ago
HI, pls check your php information it should be something like this


3 years ago
I have this problem too and I have not found a solution yet. Here is the temporary home page:


We have litespeed cache on our server, but I have disabled it for the above site. I don't know what else to check for.
3 years ago
Hi, Vincent Mross
Have you tried making product cache?
If not please make product cache from sellacious backend.
Follow this documentation https://www.sellacious.com/documentation-v2#/learn/how-to/how-to-rebuilt-cache

3 years ago
Hi, Vincent Mross
Have you tried making product cache?
If not please make product cache from sellacious backend.
Follow this documentation https://www.sellacious.com/documentation-v2#/learn/how-to/how-to-rebuilt-cache


Hundreds of times, yes.

Are there any logs or other data I can generate that might help you figure it out?

3 years ago
Yes, pls send me latest cache log which can be found in /tmp folder of root where you have installed sellacious.
Look for file named s-cache-xxxxx.log.
3 years ago
Yes, pls send me latest cache log which can be found in /tmp folder of root where you have installed sellacious.
Look for file named s-cache-xxxxx.log.

OK here you go.

p.s. I had to zip the log file because .log files are not supported :-/
3 years ago
I'm unable to download the file.
Kindly reach me on live chat support and i will look into the issue.

3 years ago
I'm unable to download the file.
Kindly reach me on live chat support and i will look into the issue.


I can't find how to do that. I clicked on your name but it took me to a page where I could find no way to contact you directly.

Here is the content of the log file, maybe this will help.

Error: Call to undefined method SellaciousCacheCli::setHeader(): Call to undefined method SellaciousCacheCli::getClientId()

Hope this helps!
3 years ago
Php executable cli is not enable on your server, kindly ask your server provider to to so.
Once enabled your will not get error in cache log

3 years ago
Php executable cli is not enable on your server, kindly ask your server provider to to so.
Once enabled your will not get error in cache log


Thanks for the reply, but I also manage the server and have Sellacious running fine without this error on another domain. Both are running Php 7.3 with the same settings.

One difference I can think of is that I have not yet set the name servers for the red3surf.com domain, so I have no SSL set up yet for that domain and I am temporarily using the server's URL for access. On the other site I have a valid SSL in place.

Any more ideas?
3 years ago
I don't think thats the issue. The log you have send is clearly showing that php cli is not enabled.

3 years ago

I have contacted tech support for my hosting and they have confirmed that php cli is enabled server-wide. As I mentioned before Sellacious works on the domain https://qustom.com/shop which is running on the same server.

The only difference between the two installations is that for the qustom.com installation we were using the actual URL (ie. qustom.com/adminstrator), but for the initial installation on red3surf.com we used the temporary server URL (vps72761.inmotionhosting.com/~red3surf/administrator). We have since pointed the domain red3surf.com to our server (updated NS records to go to inmotionhosting.com) and installed an SSL certificate and are now accessing the Joomla admin via red3surf.com/administrator. We did a reinstall of Sellacious from this URL but the problem persists.

What can you do to help fix this? We want to purchase a full license, but not if we can't fix this first!

3 years ago
HI, pls compare configuration.php on both the installation and try to correct

path. Use the one which is working.

Hope this helps
Thank you.
3 years ago
HI, pls compare configuration.php on both the installation and try to correct

path. Use the one which is working.

Hope this helps
Thank you.

Thank you for that response. That code exists in neither installation. Perhaps I should add it? If so, please provide the exact code to enter.

Thanks again.
3 years ago
it would be something like this

public $php_executable = '/usr/local/bin/php';

where "/usr/local/bin/php" is the path of your php cli it can be different for your server so you can ask it to your server provider.

Thank You
3 years ago
it would be something like this

public $php_executable = '/usr/local/bin/php';

where "/usr/local/bin/php" is the path of your php cli it can be different for your server so you can ask it to your server provider.

Thank You

I tried adding that to configuration.php but still no luck. After that I reached out to Inmotion Hosting to see if they could help. Here is their response:

Ijaray J. (InMotion Hosting)
Dec 13, 2021, 5:42 AM EST

Hello Vincent,

Thank you for contacting Support. My name is Ijaray. I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing issues with Sellacious. I'd be happy to look into that for you.

Sellacious is out of scope but I did check on PHP executable as well as the PHP version for the red3surf.com. The current PHP version is 7.4 and when I created a php.info page I was able to confirm that the PHP executable is not disabled.

I understand this is frustrating but my recommendation would be to continue working with the Sellacious support team to troubleshoot this issue. If you have any other questions or need to confirm anything else please feel free to reach out.

Thanks again for contacting Support. Don't forget we're here 24/7 if you have any questions or concerns. You may receive an email requesting feedback feel free to tell us how we did today. Have a great day!

Best Regards,
Ijaray J.

InMotion Hosting

So what now? If I buy a license from you will do whatever it takes to fix this? I really want to use your software!

3 years ago
Php cli is one of the requirement to run sellacious and it is the responsibility of sever provider to fulfil it.
However if the server can't you can go for our cloud plan https://www.sellacious.com/sellacious-cloud-marketplace-pricing
where we run your site on our fast servers and will take care of all the requirement.

Thank You.
3 years ago
Php cli is one of the requirement to run sellacious and it is the responsibility of sever provider to fulfil it.
However if the server can't you can go for our cloud plan https://www.sellacious.com/sellacious-cloud-marketplace-pricing
where we run your site on our fast servers and will take care of all the requirement.

Thank You.

Hi again,

I appreciate your answer, but we do not want to use another server when we already have everything else running on our current server.

I have created phpinfo files for both domains which are attached. Can you look at them and see if you find the fault?
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