  Friday, 27 November 2020
  9 Replies
  3.9K Visits
I added store finder module and it worked and now it does not.
The category finder works.

Console log shows this;
DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for https://psicylinders.us/media/sellacious/js/popper.min.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
4 years ago

Please provide information if any file change has been done or you updated sellacious version.

4 years ago
v2.0.0-beta3 clean install with no edits or custom code.
It's straight out of the box.
4 years ago
The popper.js file is there but the .map is not.
4 years ago
Putting those files there and removing the comment for the map did not resolve the issue of the search not showing.
4 years ago
It also worked when I first added it.
After importing a new product it stopped showing up.
4 years ago
kindly rebuilt cache and re-index after importing the products. Let me know on chat support if still not work.

4 years ago
No it did not work.
4 years ago
I am starting to get very angry with the lack of paid support and I am considering requesting a refund and writing bad reviews.
4 years ago
Hi Rick,
As i mentioned in previous message if cache rebuilding didn't solve the issue kindly reach me on live chat support i would like to access the admin panel and file system in order to diagnose the bug.

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