  Sunday, 03 July 2016
  7 Replies
  3K Visits
I have just installed your component to my Joomla website. But I have some problems that I Can't find seller dashboard for adding and editing seller product
Please help me to fix this problem
Thank You
we have just tried to fix it for you by installing latest UPCOMING VERSION on your website, but your max upload size is just 2MB please inclease your max upload size to atleast 25Mb Max upload limit and Max upload size in your PHP INI whould be atleast 25Mb.

If you dont know what is this, kindly contact your server provider.

Please get back to us when its done.
8 years ago
My Admin Joomla details

ADMIN : adminmallkanaiklan
pass : zxcvBNM76
can you also send me your joomla admin details were sellacious is installed.
8 years ago
my email :::: moderated posting emails in public is not allowed :::::
Hello, what is your email ID and Skype? please PM me. Do not post in public.
8 years ago
I have done your instruction but i cannot find the seller dashboard.
Please guide me to solve this problem
Create a seller, assign him some category and permissions. an login by using that seller. to view his dashboard.
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