  Wednesday, 09 September 2020
  13 Replies
  4.4K Visits
Hello. I updated to the latest version ended in Beta3. Testing this installation. When I try to search something, for example, cellphone in the Smart Search and click on Search, it redirects to an error page that says:

ERROR: Call to undefined method Sellacious\Cache\Reader\ProductsCacheReader::getQuery()

Please help Emoticon Smile
I found that the error was caused by the Hyperlocal module/plugin. I desactivated in Global Configuration and the error dissapeared. However, another error is being showed, please help Emoticon Smile

jerror SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 near "(": syntax error

Please help Emoticon Smile
Hello. About this error:

jerror SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 near "(": syntax error


Some of the team of Sellacious told me that the problem was due to the SQLite version was older than 3.25 (I had the 3.7 version). So, I updated to the last version 3.33, but unfortunately it didn't work neither. Please help Emoticon Smile
4 years ago
Hello Adesh,

Can you send the most recent cache log? Also, please send your server details so I can check this myself.

Thank You & Stay Safe
Hello. The cache log says located in: /home/admin/web/website/public_html/tmp, says:

Sellacious Cache Cli
Cache build starting...
Initializing cache rebuild…
Running products cache rebuild…
Flush: 1000 at 1599672426.5819 sec
Flush: 1000 at 1599672437.9585 sec
Flush: 1000 at 1599672449.6588 sec
Flush: 1000 at 1599672461.1067 sec
Flush: 1000 at 1599672472.4305 sec
Flush: 1000 at 1599672484.1189 sec
Flush: 1000 at 1599672495.667 sec
Flush: 353 at 1599672499.8348 sec
Products cache rebuild finished in 84.878983020782 seconds.
Running discovery and cleanup of media files from filesystem…
Discovery and cleanup of media files from filesystem finished in 32.063548088074 seconds.
Product output cache deleted.

Cache finished.

Please help us. Thank you!!!
I will send you the SSH details by private.
More private info...
Please help us Emoticon Smile
Please help Emoticon Smile
Hello. I installed the version:

sqlite3 --version
3.25.3 2018-11-05

But it doesn't work Emoticon Smile
Please help Emoticon Smile
4 years ago
Hello Adesh,

We are checking this. We may need the backup of your site so we can check the installation on our servers. I will let you know.

Thank You
4 years ago
How did you solve? I have the same problem in a dev/test installation
4 years ago

Can I know what version of sellacious you are using? Also, please make sure the cache is cleared.
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