  Friday, 24 July 2020
  1 Replies
  2.2K Visits

The import utility imports products without pricing, so that it shows up as a free product on front end. Also none of the images are uploaded for the product after import. The images are uploaded in the /tmp/import-uploads folder in the folder named by product sku. The different images for the product are entered in separate rows as advised.

We imported categories via importer and they were added properly. But now when we want to update categories, it does not work. The category images are not uploaded. We mentioned image urls in the csv as asked for in the import utility section.

Please resolve this issue soon.

4 years ago

Importing images with multiple rows will work only for updating products, which means if you are creating new product multiple rows will be ignored. but if its an update you can add many images. But make sure multiple rows should be replica of original row with image name changed, if you just use sku in multiple rows there is chances to reset other information. So the option is copy first row and change image_filename in column.

For the category images import, I have created a issue for category image import. It will fix soon and you will get in next version.

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