  Friday, 10 July 2020
  11 Replies
  4.8K Visits
Hi there

Are the SP Page builder addons for Sellacious compatible with Sellacious 2.0 Beta on a Helix 3 website, specifically the shaper (default) template?

As I am not getting it to display right on my setup, buttons not showing up, text not showing up etc, whereas out of the box Sellacious styling displays fine.

4 years ago
Helix Ultimate ? https://www.joomshaper.com/blog/the-next-generation-helix-ultimate-2-0-alpha-1-is-here

Hi ssnobben

Thanks for this - i have switched now to this. I was using helix 3 due to another component, from another dev, only working with bootstrap 3, it was complicated but ive ditched that now and now everything works with bootstrap 4 so im good with Helix Ultimate.
4 years ago
Great article. Couldn’t be written much better!

Keep it up! hedge trimming ... tree trimming
4 years ago
4 years ago

The new styles seem to work, however I have a new problem, when enabling SP Page builder for my Sellacious styling the side colums (left and right positions) becomes fluid and no margins, and stretches to the edge of the page. So its like the addons are over-riding the main page styling.

4 years ago
Hello all-sizes,

Filters only work for the product list views and store details view. If filters are not showing on the list views, let me know so we can check.

Thank You
4 years ago

Yes I also have the same problems. For me the Filters Module does not display on Shaper template even though I have assigned to a position nothing displays.

Please advise thanks.
4 years ago
4 years ago
Hello Jonathan,

We are updating these addons, and when the fixes are available for the public, you can download from here.

Feature save is a known issue, and fixed in the development version. We'll soon release it for the public.

Thank You
4 years ago
HI Vijaya

Thanks. I've been testing with different templates also, but still get the same result. I've added login details to this reply so you could take a look. Basically the styling is not resolving correctly.

This is a test site, so any changes I'll need to update the main site with.

There are a couple of other problems:

If i add features to product (from settings). When I add the list of features, they dont save, when clicking save (fields become blank)

Often products will show as inactive, after creating a product.

4 years ago
Hello Jonathan,

Yes, sellacious Addons are compatible with the sellacious 2.0 version. You can download the package from the below link.


I hope this helps.

Thank You
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