  Friday, 10 July 2020
  8 Replies
  3.4K Visits

after i succesfully install the SQuickv2-Quickstart_v2.0.0-beta1 both backend works fine, but the the frontpage isn't working.
It shows only a white page with the above error.

My System:
Debian 10
Apache 2
PHP 7.3
MariaDB 10.3

Database driver for Joomla: mysqli

Need assistance ;-)
4 years ago
Hello Ronny,

Make sure your server meets the below requirements.


If it still doesn't work let me know.

I hope this helps.

Thank you & Stay safe
Hi. I have the same error on frontend after installing Quickstart_v2.0.0-beta3 and moreover this error is in the backoffice in shop-product catalogue. please help
Hi. I have the same error on frontend after installing Quickstart_v2.0.0-beta3 and moreover this error is in the backoffice in shop-product catalogue. please help

solved - I had to add sqlite3 support to the server
Hi I also get the same error but despite the php.ini changes nothing solves the issue
1 year ago

Is this problem resolved?

To resolve this you need to enable the support for Sqlite3. You can ask your server support to enable it and this should fix the problem.

Thank you & Stay Safe
Unfortunately is not yet supported, is there any other way? As I had to restore in previous version in order my website to work
1 year ago

Please try to update with the below version and update all your server requirements as mentioned in below documentation.


as I said previously my host does not support the latest Sqlite3
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