  Saturday, 06 June 2020
  2 Replies
  2.2K Visits
I did a test as a buyer/client registration, and was able to login to the backend, create products, etc. That user is in the "Default Client Category" and Joomla user level of registered.

I checked permissions for this group, and they were set at "Not Allowed" Changed to "Denied" and still was able to to login. What am I missing?
4 years ago

We have checked for both the issues on our system and it can't be found. Please make sure following-

1. For backend login, please make sure Registration Menu is assigned to only client category not seller category.
2. Permissions for seller should not be enabled as Shop owner. Please reset to default for seller.

Follow this documentation for permissions: https://www.sellacious.com/documentation-v2#/learn/settings/permission

If the issue still exist pls let us know on live chat.

4 years ago
In addition to above, I've realized Sellers can login and put the store offline. I don't see a flag for this in permissions. I'm concerned about the security and permissions of this product.
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