  Monday, 11 May 2020
  4 Replies
  1.9K Visits
In Joomla! admin, I created the group "Master seller" as a child of "Seller" group.

After that, I went in Permissions page of Sellacious in order to set special permission for this group, but in the field "User category" this group not appear

4 years ago

In the sellacious beta version, you can set the permissions for user categories individually. You don't need to create different user groups and then set the permissions.
I cant sere those options in version 2.0
4 years ago

I have updated the sellacious version to beat-1. In this version, we have introduced new permissions for user categories. You can different user categories and set individual permissions.

I hope this helps.

Thank you
4 years ago

You need to set this user group in the global config.


After, you can create a category with this user group permissions.

I hope this helps.

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