  Friday, 08 May 2020
  6 Replies
  1.8K Visits
hi, I have installed the Spanish languaje, but when I see the translation, I cant see the translation between UK english and Spanish. It is blank. And I have followed all the steps i can see in the documentation section but without success
4 years ago
Hello Alberto,

This is the link for the available translations. We are still uploading the translation in other languages.


I hope this helps.

Thank You
4 years ago
and where can I find this translations of their sites?
4 years ago
Hello Alberto,

We no longer support the 1.7.3 version. We don't translate the sellacious ourselves. Some users translate their site, and we publish them on sellacious.com with their names.

So you can translate the remaining sellacious and we can publish the updated translation on sellacious.com with your name.

I hope this helps.

Thank You
4 years ago
where could I download V 1.7.3?
4 years ago
And are you goning to translate to spanish in future versions? or should I download the 1.7.3 version to translate to spanish my sellacious?
4 years ago
Hello Alberto Martin,

Spanish Translation is of 1.7.3 version. So there are chances of missing something because the current live version is 2.0

So you may need to translate some of the sellacious yourself. If it's still doesn't work, let me know and I'll help as much as I can.

Thank You
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