  Thursday, 12 December 2019
  3 Replies
  1.9K Visits
I just bought paytm plugin to install in my joomla website. I am not clear which values to put where as i received from paytm. i need guidance here. can someone help.
5 years ago
Hello Rahul,

After installing this plugin, enable it from the Joomla Administrator > Extensions > Plugins.

Now, go to Sellacious Backend > Settings > Payment Method, click on new and create a new method for PayTm.

You can submit your information which you got from the PayTm, in that payment method.


I hope this helps.

Thank You
5 years ago
Hello Rahul,

After installing this plugin, enable it from the Joomla Administrator > Extensions > Plugins.

Now, go to Sellacious Backend > Settings > Payment Method, click on new and create a new method for PayTm.

You can submit your information which you got from the PayTm, in that payment method.


I hope this helps.

Thank You

Thanks for responding. Actually i was looking for value input. i am attaching screenshot of both panel values i have. one is the screenshot of paytm panel and second is of joomla backend panel where i need to put value. I am not getting that in last 4 option which values will come. kindly help me in filling this.
5 years ago
Hello Rahul,

You can find the last 4 details in the Production API details beside the test API details.

Thank You
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