  Monday, 12 June 2017
  10 Replies
  3.3K Visits
Hello. I would like to know how I should use the sellacious finder module. I have it in my website but it doesn't find anything when I click in Search. Is this related with Smart Search module from Joomla. How should I configure your module?
Hi Adesh,

The Indexer wouldn't take that to account. You can setup cron jobs to do it.
7 years ago
Hello Ankit. Indexing is now ok hacking the code and setting a custom size in batch. Now, I have another thing to say about. If a seller adds a new product, should it be added to index automatically?; I have tested it and not - the new product is not indexed; Is this the expected behaviour as it is currently programmed? I may solve this adding a cron job for indexing of Joomla, but I would like to know if that cron job is necessary to do it.
7 years ago
Yes. It worked. Thank you very much Ankit Emoticon Smile
Also, please help me in the request about backend language Emoticon Wink. I have already sent my data by private.
Yes, Just go to ROOT/administrator/components/com_finder/config.xml

Line number 193. Add a Bigger number and use it in Global configuration.

PS: I have personally tested this up to 5000 on SiteGround. Works without an issue.
7 years ago
And is there any way to solve it? Maybe hacking/modifying the code? I see some examples - in guides - where supposedly various batches are processed in the same indexing. I am PHP developer. Could you send me a topic to read about such issue and its possible solution. So, using only batch size means that I can have only such size/amount of products indexed. You know that a store can have much more products. The maximum batch size is only 300 which is not a so big quantity.
7 years ago
Hello. So, is it a problem with the Joomla Smart Search plugin itself?
Hi Adesh,

Thanks for writing this. It's a known issue with Joomla Finder Plugin. The only way to sort this out is to keep the batch size as maximum.
7 years ago
Also, I just tried in other installation - in my localhost/computer - and the same happened, this is, only 1 batch was processed. Please help me.
7 years ago
I followed the procedure. It's just the same as using the normal Smart Search. However, it happens that not all the elements of Sellacious are indexed but only 1 batch size. For example, if batch size (in Options of such component) is 30, so only 30 products (the same number than batch size) are indexed; or if batch size is 50 only 50 products are indexed. Various batches are not processed but only the first one. I think there is an error in the plugin for Smart Search - Sellacious. It should be that various batches should be processed in such way that all content be indexed (and not only 1). I executed the Smart Search through CLI Command and I saw there that only 1 batch is processed anymore. Also, I disabled others plugins - excluding that of Sellacius - to check if maybe some of them could be causing the error but the same happened. It's like native Joomla plugins are working fine but not that of Sellacious. Please, help. You already have my credentials by a private message sent some days ago. I am a more or less common writer here Emoticon Smile
Hi Adesh,

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