Hello Jeferson,
Both of the above translations are hardcoded and can be translated either in code directly or by assigning the language key.
To Translate 'GO', go to the following file
and in line no. 34, you can translate the Go to your language directly.
Replace line no. 34 with below patch.
<button class="btn-filter-price btn btn-default btn-block" onclick="this.form.submit();"><?php echo JText::_('MOD_SELLACIOUS_FILTERS_SHOP_BY_PRICE_GO'); ?></button>
Now, go to
../modules/mod_sellacious_filters/language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_sellacious_filters.ini and add the
As for the 'Show All' for the category, go to the file
../modules/mod_sellacious_filters/tmpl/filter_category.php and in line no. 46, translate the 'Show All'.
Replace line No. 46 with the below patch.
<div class="show-all"><a href="/<?php echo $link; ?>"><?php echo JText::_('MOD_SELLACIOUS_FILTERS_SHOW_ALL'); ?></a></div>
If you're applying the patch instead of translating directly, make sure to translate both language keys from the sellacious backend.
I hope this helps.
Thank You