  Tuesday, 29 October 2019
  7 Replies
  2.8K Visits
German law requires that a tax depending on the tax of the product has to be added to the shipping costs.
So when displaying the checkout the tax given there is "wrong" at least for germany, because the tax of the shipping costs is missing. (see: card step 05 missing tax for delivery.png)

During testing i found a not so clear point in the setup (see: card step 04 backend settings.png)
Thats leads to an unwanted behavior on the frontend (see: card step 04.png) where only the first unit bought from a seller should be billed with shipping costs

For the whole process please see all attachments.
5 years ago
Hello Achim,

To use this feature, make sure you have enabled the configuration Tax/Discount on Shipping from Sellacious Backend > Settings > Global Configuration > Shipment.

I hope this helps.

Thank You
5 years ago
It's set to yes, as the popup text suggests. This leads not to the wanted result. Emoticon Unhappy
5 years ago
Hello Achim,

Have you refreshed the cache after saving both configurations? If not, please do that.

Thank You
5 years ago
Hello Vijaya,
when I've made changes to the config, I always reset the cage.
The screenshots shows my original setup.
If you want to have a look at the setup on your own, I'll be available today.
Maybe we can sort out the other misbehaviors as well.
5 years ago
Hello Achim,

Sure, we can have a screen share session today. Let me know when you're available.

Thank You
5 years ago
Good Morning, Vijaya.
We have a national holiday here in germany today, so I'm a little bit late on my computer. Emoticon Happy
It's now 13:00 at your place (as the clock on this page states) that's 08:30 my time.
Let me have a coffee or two and we can have a screen share session at 14:00 (09:30)
Which program do you prefer for this? Is skype ok?
5 years ago
Hello Achim,

Sure, we can have that session right now. You can email me your skype ID at contact@sellacious.com or contact me on live chat right now.
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