  Monday, 23 September 2019
  7 Replies
  1.7K Visits
I didn't understand how to enable sellers to use Import Utility.
Coud you help me?

No its not included. It does not support seller wise import and export yet. However next version will support it.

5 years ago
Do you have documentation of this extension?
I want to understand:

  • Which unique key can be used to identify a seller's products
  • If images can be passed to Sellecious as a link (URL http / https)
  • If the seller can schedule the import of the file (taking it via ftp / http / https) or if he is forced to upload files manually

Thank you
1) Based on your import template you can define unique keys from the following:

*seller unique code
*seller company name]

any of the above can be selected as unique as per your CSV to identify seller row.

If product Unique is already existing and Seller Unique is provided importer can also attach products to multiple sellers.
The importer can also be used to create new sellers, categories, products, variants, special categories etc if they do not exist in the system. All this can be configured in importer template.

2) Media can be imported in following ways.

[*By providing absolute URLs of the source ( can be any third website) in CSV importer will automatically import them from source. You have to run following

to import the absolute images inside the system.
* By providing relative image URL by uploading them first in any folder and then providing relative URL.
* By Sellacious Media importer by any unique key example SKU etc to automatically link images to product or category
* By importing the Zip file of Images by Unique key example SKU or Product

Last Two are also applicable for Document Attachments too.
Learn more here: https://www.sellacious.com/documentation-v2#/learn/import

3) Yes, if you provide any FTP to the seller and an import template you can run cron on regular intervals to automate it. Enterprise version we can automate this entire process.

Team sellacious
5 years ago
about this extension:


Could you confirm me that the seller does not have to enter his identifier in the file? (instead, the administrator must specify the seller because he might want to publish the products of several sellers)
Yes, seller has to add his identifier in the file, as of now community version does not allow automatic identification of seller based on permissions.

5 years ago
If the seller failed to compose the file and put the identifier of another seller, could he then add or modify the products of another seller? or what would happen if he forgot to fill out that column?
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