  Sunday, 04 June 2017
  16 Replies
  4.2K Visits

Is Spanish available as frontend language? If so, where can I configure in Sellacious. If not, how can I translate it. I am asking about the frontend language for Sellacious, since I know how to do it for Joomla itself.

Thank you,
7 years ago
Hi. I am new to this system. I am from Chile and I am developing a site to bring together several sellers of handmade products. I have seen that the system does not have multi-language support. What I need is the Spanish tradition. I see that a user has done the translation. Could you share your work to continue advancing the development of the portal?

7 years ago
Emoticon Smile
Cool. Glad to know that it worked out for you.
7 years ago
Yes. Thank you for your proposition about the changes was being overriden. Precisely, the files were also present in the template's html folder. I changed there and modifications were applied. Thank you very much Emoticon Smile I congratulate you for this great platform. God bless you!!!
Hi Adesh,

Are you using SP Page builder to show products? If you have replaced the strings, It should impact the front page(or wherever the latest/related product module is).

Also, The language files are located in com_sellacious/language folder. Maybe something is being overriden?
7 years ago
I already sent to you the URL by a private message.

Also, I tried using Eclipse to debug the app. I set a breakpoint in the templates (list, grid and carousel) of the module, and it seemed flow don't pass through there but through com_sppagebuilder. I am confused. Please, help me. I would be very thankful if you check my files in the website to see what is happening Emoticon Smile
7 years ago
In /modules/mod_sellacious_latestproducts/tmpl, in the three templates: carousel, grid and list. I replaced the hardcoded expressions Buy Now and Add to Cart for JText:: expresions but there is no effect. I don't understand why not. Please, check the attachment to see some changes. Or Am I wrong? Please tell me what I have to do to change hardcoded expressions (I am a PHP developer).
Hi Adesh,

Can you please show it to us with URLs.
7 years ago
Please, kindly read:

I replaced all occurrences of ADD TO CART for <?php echo JText::_('COM_SELLACIOUS_CONFIG_FIELD_PRODUCT_ADD_TO_CART_DISPLAY_LABEL'); ?>, but it doesn't work (changes are not applied). Please help.

As you notice, we already replaced - in various places - that hard-coded expression (ADD TO CART) enclosing it within JText::_ but the changes were not applied. I don't understand why. Please help. I am a PHP developer but I haven't found the cause. Please help Emoticon Smile For example, I converted such expression to translatable in latestproducts modules but the expressions didn't change (the translation didn't apply).
Hi Adesh,

Cache plugin is used to cache products which is used to show products in frontend.

Regarding, AddToCart etc. We have identified that some words have been hard-coded in Sellacious and not controlled by Language file. We are constantly finding those keys. We would put those keys in language file in our next version.
7 years ago
I replaced all occurrences of ADD TO CART for <?php echo JText::_('COM_SELLACIOUS_CONFIG_FIELD_PRODUCT_ADD_TO_CART_DISPLAY_LABEL'); ?>, but it doesn't work (changes are not applied). Please help. I need to translate these words urgently. I already have the translation file in Spanish. Please help me. Your answer could be useful for others too Emoticon Smile
7 years ago
I saw a plugin for Cache of Sellacious. How does it work? Could that be the reason for the changes not to be applied?
7 years ago
Since some expressions such as ADD TO CART, BUY NOW, etc, are not translatable in Joomla (those are not inside JText::_), we have been making some changes enclosing them inside JText::_. However, it's like the changes don't cause any effect. Do I have to restart, clean,..., anything for changes to be loaded? I have checked thoroughly that the place of changes are correct. Please help urgently Emoticon Smile
Hi Adesh,

These strings are there in language file of Sellacious present inside:
7 years ago
I was looking for language usage in your great software and found that some words like ADD TO CART, BUY NOW, etc,... are not labeled inside JText, so I think - in that case - it seems there is no multilanguage support. Please help, since I need to translate such important expressions. Or Am I wrong in my conclusions?
Hi Adesh,

Yes, You can translate Sellacious in any other language. You first need to install a language pack(Let's say Spanish)
This tutorial can be referenced for it:

Once you have installed a language pack, You can translate Sellacious like another Joomla extension.
Tutorial here:

Sellacious is a community driven platform and We're looking for language collaborator all around the world. We would be more than happy to offer you 6 months premium(worth 99USD) for Free if you convert the language files to Spanish.
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