  Wednesday, 11 September 2019
  16 Replies
  3.5K Visits
Hello there.

I'd now taken a closer look into your product and I like it.

Before buying, there are some problems and a question where I couldn't find an answer for:

1. Problem in the backend when displaying checkboxes
Notice: compact(): Undefined variable: required in /..../sellacious/components/com_sellacious/models/fields/checkboxes.php on line 141 (see screenshot)

2. Some overlays can't be closed on mobile devices (see screenshot)

3. Missing content in some overlays mainly in desktop view (empty boxes) (see screenshot)

4. permanent reloading of page when using Sellacious Hyperlocal modul

and the question

5. How can I show users the stores near their actual location on a map?

Kind regards,

5 years ago
Hello Ivan,

You can find the solution here.

Hello Achim.

The problem you are facing regarding Terms and conditions can arise due to one of two reasons; either you pasted text that is too long, or you pasted formatted text, for example, directly from MS word or similar applications.

If the issue is because of the first reason, maybe try pasting shorter text.Emoticon Smile
And if you copied text directly from a Document editor application like MS Word, we request you to use the formatting options provided in the Terms and conditions field, which is powerful enough for almost all your formatting needs.

Also, you can find the terms and conditions text which caused this issue in the 'sellacious_physical_sellers' table in the database.


I hope this helps.

Thank You
5 years ago
Hi Vijaya,
anything new on this still existing problems?

Found a new problem, where i need your help:
When pasting my terms and conditions into Default Seller Category (Alias: default-seller-category) there appears the error shown in the attached screenshot.

Where in the database can I delete the pasted text?

If you want to have a look by yourself, please use the login credentials provided in my first comment! Thanks! I really need this problems to be sorted out, so I can buy your product.

Kind regards,

I have the same problem. Where can i find this file ?
5 years ago
Hello Abhishek,
the change of code worked out. So one show stopper eliminated. Thanks for that!

I'll dig a little bit deeper into the described grafic problems till the end of this week. If I see a chance to correct them, I'll give my go to to my management. Please understand, that the price sounds good at the first reading, but I have to take the add-ons in account too.

If I find the time I'll do a solid testing of the hyperlocal problem to find out what causes the infinitiv loop under which circumstances and will report my findings to you.

Thanks again, so far.
Thanks for Contacting.


4# We calculate Radius bounds in respect to user detected location, and match it to seller and product location by calculating bounds, we cross verify this to google maps api. After everything is matched, we reload the page to set the environment, this should work flawlessly, if you are finding any issue there of infinite loading something is wrong in your installed version, it could be because of server config, any plugin installed on your version or any other possible or strange reason, we might have to cross verify everything on your instance to find the reason and propose the fix.

What saurabh proposed is also true that we are writing faster, less dependent hyperlocal system, but that does not mean current one wont work.

1# on line:


Change this

$data = array_merge($props, compact('class', 'checkedOptions', 'required', 'autofocus', 'options'));

to this:

$data = array_merge($props, compact('checkedOptions', 'options'));

Hope this is useful for you, Also because you are Free community user, we have certain limitation in helping free users, hope you can understand, see you soon on board.

Team sellacious
5 years ago
Regarding #4
as I said before, it's a show stopper. I'm a developer too, so this answer doesn't satisfy me, because I used it to often on my own.

Regarding #1
I open the sellacious backend and this error occours on the 7 pages shown at the here attached screenshots:
5 years ago
Done. I personaly prefer the JCE Editor but this will do it to.

Now please help me to solve the 4 open problems:

1. Problem in the backend when displaying checkboxes
Notice: compact(): Undefined variable: required in /..../sellacious/components/com_sellacious/models/fields/checkboxes.php on line 141 (see screenshot)

2. Some overlays can't be closed on mobile devices (see screenshot)

3. Missing content in some overlays mainly in desktop view (empty boxes) (see screenshot)

4. permanent reloading of page when using Sellacious Hyperlocal modul

The screenshots can be find in the first post.

#1 and #4 are show stoppers for my management. For #2 and #3 I only need some hints to correct this on my own.
5 years ago
... we request you to use the formatting options provided in the Terms and conditions field, which is powerful enough for almost all your formatting needs...

Sorry, but there are no formating options :-(
See attached screenshot.
5 years ago
Found it ;-)
It's stored in yxz_sellacious_categories
Solved it!

So, let's concentrate on the problems discribed in my starting post, so I can tell my management, that everything works as expected ;-)
5 years ago
Found it ;-)
It's stored in yxz_sellacious_categories
Solved it!

So, let's concentrate on the problems discribed in my starting post, so I can tell my management, that everything works as expected ;-)
5 years ago
To be honest, it was a direct copy and paste from a MS Word doc :-(
My bad!
I really like to change it, but I can't get access to the field any more.
I try to find out, where this text is stored in the database so I can clear it there, but didn't found it so far.
5 years ago
Hi Vijaya,
anything new on this still existing problems?

Found a new problem, where i need your help:
When pasting my terms and conditions into Default Seller Category (Alias: default-seller-category) there appears the error shown in the attached screenshot.

Where in the database can I delete the pasted text?

If you want to have a look by yourself, please use the login credentials provided in my first comment! Thanks! I really need this problems to be sorted out, so I can buy your product.

Kind regards,
5 years ago
Hello Achim,

Can you tell me the sellacious version? Please send me your site details through DM.

Done. 5 hous ago.
Please check your DM.
5 years ago
Hello Achim,

Can you tell me the sellacious version? Please send me your site details through DM.
5 years ago
Hello Achim,

I will check and update this post soon.

Thank You
5 years ago
I'm using a helix3 based template.
The latest Joomla is running on PHP 7.3.9
5 years ago
Hello Achim,

Can I know the PHP version for your installation? Also, which framework/template are you using?

How can I show users the stores near their actual location on a map?

You can user the hyperlocal module and plugin for this. Make sure to save the seller's location from his profile.

This is the link for the doc related to hyperlocal.

Thank You
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