  Tuesday, 27 August 2019
  5 Replies
  4.1K Visits
few users are reported that after purchasing orders are disappeared from their profile (My Orders/My Downloads)

Digital Products
Even we have received their payment email via PayPal.

Does any suggestion, please?
Thanks I found it in the documentation, love your support <3
5 years ago
Hello Falcon,

Yes, you can change the Status to delivered. First, you need to approve the payment.
To update this order, go to sellacious backend > Shop > Orders. Filter the order with Order Placed status and update the status as you want.

yes found there, but how I can change there status as delivered?
5 years ago
Hello Falcon,

Can I know which payment method are you using? If you're using PayPal, make sure to turn on Auto Return. This usually happens when the user doesn't come back to the site from the payment page.


If you're using any other payment method, enable this option in those too.

To update this order, go to sellacious backend > Shop > Orders. Filter the order with Order Placed status and update the status as you want.

I hope this helps.

Thank You
I have checked the user account and found a red cross on the order, even we have received the payment email from the PayPal.
Any Advice please?
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