  Friday, 07 June 2019
  2 Replies
  4K Visits
where i can add supported file formats for attachments?

I want to attach a zip/rar file in digital product.

where I can add/allow custom formats?

Enable archive option from setting as an attachment and tried to attached rar/zip file even in a demo version but not working.

any help/suggestion highly appreciated.
5 years ago
Hello Falcon,

You can upload the files in e-products for users to download from Product Catalog > Edit/Create an e-product and go to the Inventory tab. There you can save the files for e-products.

As for the attachments upload, we added this issue to our pipeline and will fix this in future releases of sellacious.

I hope this helps.

Thank You
5 years ago
Why download my E-product error
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