  Sunday, 02 June 2019
  2 Replies
  1.6K Visits
Good day!

Now I choose the marketplace.
I have a choice. Your product or Easy Digital Downloads (wordpress).

Please tell me if you can turn off the fields shown in the picture.
As for hiding the payment method, I do not want to show it to the client, since it is only one. This will facilitate the perception of the order form by the Client.
5 years ago
Thanks for the quick response!

How much will the revision cost?
It is necessary to hide all crossed out fields as shown in the pictures. + Remove the display of the payment plug in the basket (that is, the buyer will not see it, but will pay through it). + Remove subtotal.
5 years ago
Hello Nikolai,

You can hide the product fields from Sellacious Backend > Settings > Global Configuration > Backend Display Options.

As to hide the Pricing Tab from Seller's profile, you can handle seller's permissions from Sellacious Backend > Settings > Permissions. Select seller and in denied the permission for Edit Own Pricing.

As for hiding the payment method, I do not want to show it to the client, since it is only one. This will facilitate the perception of the order form by the Client.

Currently, checkout without payment is not supported. We can custom it for you. However, you can disable the checkout and in pricing, you can use Query form as an order form.

I hope this helps.
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