  Tuesday, 07 May 2019
  6 Replies
  4.3K Visits
scence description :
1.It's like a haircut appointment.We need to confirm the status of the order, for example: completed, not completed, expired
5 years ago
Hello All,

Sellacious 1.7.0 is released, in which you can use the delivery feature. You need to select the type of delivery you want for your shop/store and configure it. You can do that from Sellacious backend > Settings > Global Configuration > Hyperlocal Settings.

Let me know if there's any confusion.
5 years ago
Hello Chenbida,

Yes, you can use hyperlocal for the nearest goods and services. Sellers can provide their own or individual product location. Hyperlocal will filter the product based on the user's location.

We'll release a sellacious new version soon.

I hope this helps.

Thank You

Thanks for this info and great features!

And congrats to new 1.7 version! Emoticon Tongue
5 years ago
Hello Vijaya,

When will this feature go live? yyyy-MM-dd
5 years ago
Hello Chenbida,

Yes, you can use hyperlocal for the nearest goods and services. Sellers can provide their own or individual product location. Hyperlocal will filter the product based on the user's location.

We'll release a sellacious new version soon.

I hope this helps.

Thank You
5 years ago
Hello Vijaya,

Can this component recommend goods and services to users near their cities?

For example, I am located in New York, the system for me to prioritize the screening of goods and services in New York!

Could you please tell me when the component will be launched and how it will be used?

Looking forward to your reply!
5 years ago
Hello Chenbida,

Sellacious is releasing delivery component soon. With the help of this feature, users can select date/slots they want for the appointment and also you can manage these orders from sellacious backend.

This feature will be free. I hope this helps.

Thank You
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