  Monday, 15 April 2019
  3 Replies
  4.5K Visits
Hi everyone.

I am finishing 100% the Brazilian Portuguese Translation file (I will provide it to sellacious very soon.) but could not yet figure out where to translate the checkout form. It is the last bit to complete the translation work.

The URL of the form is https://mywebsite.com/index.php/component/sellaciousopc/ and the fields are the ones on Shipping Address, Billing Address and Payment Type.

How can I translate them? Which file?
5 years ago
Sure Jeferson. You can email us at contact@sellacious.com

Thank You
5 years ago
Thank you. I will finish it and provide the file.
5 years ago
Hello Jeferson Rique,

You can translate the address field by searching the key COM_SELLACIOUS_ADDRESS_FORM_FIELD_. You need to translate all keys related to the above context.

As for the payment methods, you need to translate them from Sellacious backend > Settings > Payment Methods. Select the methods one by one and translate them.

I hope this help.

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