  Monday, 08 April 2019
  3 Replies
  1.6K Visits
I would like to know how can I show a space/phrase in each product telling how many sellings have had for them, for example:

Keyboard.... 10 sold.

This is important for the viewers to see the popularity of each product.
5 years ago
Hello Adesh,

Currently, this feature is not available in sellacious however, this is work 2-3 hours of customization so, either you can hire Joomla developer to do this for you or order customization.

I have a premium license with you. Is there a special price with you?
5 years ago
Hello Adesh,

If you're a lifetime license holder, we can give a 25% discount on this customization. The final cost of this is mentioned in the DM. Let us know if you want to proceed further.

Thank You
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