  Friday, 07 December 2018
  7 Replies
  4.4K Visits
I've added a Captcha to the registration page, it shows up in it's own accordion section, but that section does not have a header. How do I add a header?
6 years ago
Hello Victor,

Please go to file .../components/com_sellacious/models/forms/profile/address.xml

class="gl-input address-name"

and comment or remove the above code.


I hope this helps.

Thank You
-Team Sellacious
6 years ago
Thanks Vijaya,

That has taken care of it. However, I noticed the the Name field is back in the Address section again. How do I get rid of that field. I went to Global Configuration > Extension's Setting > Address Fields but the Name field is not there as an option.
6 years ago
Hello Vince,

I have updated the template, please check.

Thank You
-Team Sellacious
6 years ago
I followed the instruction from the link above but I just get this message:

"There are no updates available at the moment. Please check again later."

Hello Vince,

You can update the template with the help of this link


And before updating, please take a backup of your site. And also if you've done some customization on your site, update the template carefully.

I hope this helps.

Thank You
-Team Sellacious
6 years ago
Hello Vince,

You can update the template with the help of this link


And before updating, please take a backup of your site. And also if you've done some customization on your site, update the template carefully.

I hope this helps.

Thank You
-Team Sellacious
6 years ago
I am using JSKart 1.1.2 template. I would prefer if it wasn't in an accordion.

I tried to upgrade the template but I couldn't figure out how to do it.
6 years ago
Hello Vince,

Can I know which template you're using, as in sellacious templates Captcha is not an accordion? Please see the attached image.

If you're using Squick template please update it to latest version and this will resolve after this.

I hope this helps.

Thank You
-Team Sellacious
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