  Wednesday, 21 November 2018
  14 Replies
  4.9K Visits

In the new version 1.6, how does one get the product import working? The category is created, but even after several tries I have not been able to import the products in the right category and with the right variants. Can you advise the correct and complete procedure? Even the documentation does not define the fields and their use in the database.

I have a suggestion: Is it possible to move the import products section to the individual category and from the category page allow to export a template with only those relevant fields for that category. Right now the (as I see it) the template presents all the attribute fields even if they are not relevant to that category.

5 years ago
Hello Arshad,

You can ask your hosting server support to increase the row size. They will do it for you.

Thank You
5 years ago
Hi Vijaya,
Thanks for your suggestion. But, I could not find the way of increasing TABLE ROW SIZE in mysql. I will be very thankful to you if you guide me to increase the size.

Thanks & Regards,

Hello Arshad,

This error is because of 'Interrupted Import.products at 1560568709.5485 (2019-06-15 03:18:29 GMT) due to an error. Their import was interrupted due to an error. Row size too large (> 8126)'

In your server database, max row size is 8KB while it should be 65KB, and while importing products, table row size in MySQL is too large for your database.

Kindly, increase your server database table row size in MySQL to 65 KB, and importer will work fine after that.

I hope this helps.

Thank You
5 years ago
Hello Arshad,

This error is because of 'Interrupted Import.products at 1560568709.5485 (2019-06-15 03:18:29 GMT) due to an error. Their import was interrupted due to an error. Row size too large (> 8126)'

In your server database, max row size is 8KB while it should be 65KB, and while importing products, table row size in MySQL is too large for your database.

Kindly, increase your server database table row size in MySQL to 65 KB, and importer will work fine after that.

I hope this helps.

Thank You
5 years ago
Hi Vijaya,
I have tried in 1.7x.
Support mode is enabled.
Sending you the password through DM.

Thanks & Regards,

Hello Arshad,

Which version of sellacious you're using? Kindly enable the support mode and send me the password though DM.

5 years ago
Hello Arshad,

Which version of sellacious you're using? Kindly enable the support mode and send me the password though DM.
5 years ago
Hi Vijaya,
It is the same sample CSV that you have attached in one of the previous reply to Sauk.

Thanks & regards,
5 years ago
Hello Arshad,

Can you send me the CSV you're trying to import?
5 years ago
Hi Vijay,
I am getting the following error while importing:-

Import of products finished.

Notification emails sent.
Sending email notification to configured recipients.
Total memory usage: 4,194,304
T = 0m 0.005s – Finished Import.products at 1560568709.5492 (2019-06-15 03:18:29 GMT), t = 0.0007. Import finished.
Table 'guidance_sel17db.#__sellacious_import_temp_products' doesn't exist
Generating output CSV.
#0 /home/guidanceguild/public_html/sel17/libraries/sellacious_importer/src/Import/AbstractImporter.php(551): JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute()
/home/guidanceguild/public_html/sel17/plugins/system/sellaciousimporter/libraries/Sellacious/Import/ProductsImporter.php(159): Sellacious\Import\AbstractImporter->createTemporaryTable()
/home/guidanceguild/public_html/sel17/sellacious/components/com_importer/controllers/import.php(380): Sellacious\Import\ProductsImporter->import()
/home/guidanceguild/public_html/sel17/sellacious/components/com_importer/controllers/import.php(179): ImporterControllerImport->startImport(Object(Sellacious\Import\ImportRecord))
/home/guidanceguild/public_html/sel17/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php(710): ImporterControllerImport->importAjax()
/home/guidanceguild/public_html/sel17/sellacious/components/com_importer/importer.php(32): Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute('importajax')
/home/guidanceguild/public_html/sel17/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php(402): require_once('/home/guidanceg...')
/home/guidanceguild/public_html/sel17/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php(377): Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::executeComponent('/home/guidanceg...')
/home/guidanceguild/public_html/sel17/sellacious/includes/libraries/application.php(205): Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent('com_importer')
/home/guidanceguild/public_html/sel17/sellacious/includes/libraries/application.php(250): JApplicationSellacious->dispatch()
/home/guidanceguild/public_html/sel17/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php(196): JApplicationSellacious->doExecute()
/home/guidanceguild/public_html/sel17/sellacious/index.php(43): Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute()
Total memory usage: 4,194,304
[*] T = 0m 0.004s – Interrupted Import.products at 1560568709.5485 (2019-06-15 03:18:29 GMT) due to an error. There import was interrupted due to an error. Row size too large (> 8126). Changing some columns to TEXT or BLOB may help. In current row format, BLOB prefix of 0 bytes is stored inline.
T = 0m 0.000s – Started Import.products at 1560568709.5445 (2019-06-15 03:18:29 GMT). Starting import from file: import-20190615-031659-GMT.csv.
T = 0m 0.000s – Started Import.products at 1560568709.5443 (2019-06-15 03:18:29 GMT). Preparing import processors for products import.
Starting import process...
Loading: /home/guidanceguild/public_html/sel17/tmp/import-stage/120_5d04632b89182/import-20190615-031659-GMT.csv
Initializing import...

AND nothing gets imported.

Please help. Most, probably I am doing some minor mistake.
Thanks & Regards,
6 years ago
This has made things somewhat clearer but still there are kinks - like for example the specifications are shown as SPEC536_SPECNAME and there could be more than one attribute having the same name (but different alias) and one does not know which field to fill without going back and forth the attribute id slowing down the process.

In any case I think that you will have to allow the exporting of products to a CSV file so that the users can easily update their shops or at least have the template for products in a particular category. With the current import feature, only new products can be created but updating old or existing products with all their details is an uphill task.

Is there a difference in the structure of the sample CSV that you have uploaded as a part of the earlier reply and the one available for download from within sellacious admin import section?
6 years ago
Hello Sauk,

We have updated our documentation, please check.


I've attached the sample CSV for your convenience too. This CSV consists of sample data, you see on our Demo.

I hope this helps.

Thank You
-Team Sellacious
6 years ago

Please see my first post in this tread. The importer does not work as desired.

In the last two days I have tried importing several times, however the products are not created / displayed even though the importer says that the import was successful.

Pls advise.

6 years ago
Hello Sauk,

Thank You for reporting this. We have disabled this option because of some technical issues. This will be fixed soon and will be available for users.

As to change the products and variants, you can update your products and their variants by the sellacious importer.

If there's any confusion feel free to reply.

Thank You
-Team Sellacious
6 years ago

As per the documentation available at https://www.sellacious.com/documentation-v2 , under Products there is an option to export. However, I have checked my installation as well as the demo that you have available online and there is no option to export. Is there something that I need to do to activate / make visible this button?

An early response would be appreciated.

6 years ago
Hello again

Is there a way to use the import feature to change the products and their variants in bulk?

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