  Tuesday, 06 November 2018
  5 Replies
  2.8K Visits
I just intalled sellacious on Joomla 3.

I can't create, save, update or delete any category, products, geolocations...

Could you please help me fix this.


6 years ago
Awesome support guys! Those tweaks did the trick on my installation. Publishing, Unpublishing and Trashing on categories all work from the admin console as expected now.

Thanks a million!

6 years ago
Hello David,

Please take a look at this post.


If this issue doesn't resolve even after this, kindly report us back. We'll take a look at your site.

Thank You
-Team Sellacious
6 years ago
I seem to be having a similar problem with my installation. I can add new categories but I can't delete anything. When I try, I get this message: "Success 0 categories successfully trashed". I can add new categories but can't delete. I can delete the records in the database table the hard way though using phpMyAdmin though my hosting company's console.

This is on an install done today so when I checked the above noted file and code I see that it is present so I do have the updated version that is talked about above.

Thanks for any suggestion!
6 years ago
Thanks a lot!
6 years ago
Hello Hugo,

This version of sellacious is not tested completely on Joomla 3.9.x yet.

However, here is the patch for this error.

Please go to ../sellacious/includes/framework.php and find require_once JPATH_LIBRARIES . '/import.legacy.php';

then at line no. 17 add this patch.

require_once JPATH_PLATFORM . '/loader.php';

JLoader::registerNamespace('Sellacious', JPATH_LIBRARIES . '/sellacious/objects');
JLoader::registerAlias('JToolbarHelper', 'Sellacious\Toolbar\ToolbarHelper');

For more info see the attached screenshot.


This issue will resolve after this.
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