  Sunday, 04 November 2018
  10 Replies
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How do I bring in all the Joomla Users as Sellacious Users in the User Profile.
6 years ago
Hello Raji,

When you install sellacious on Joomla, all Joomla user will automatically become sellacious client users.

Thank You
-Team Sellacious
6 years ago
Thanks for the update.... but I don't see any of them listed in the Sellacious Users list.

When I tried to add one of the Users who is already in the Joomla list as a SELLER, Sellacious says that emailID/Username is already in use. Clearly that indicates that it is seeing the Joomla User.

However, when I list an item from the Admin back-end screen, I couldn't add that User as the Seller for the item.
6 years ago

Can you send us your site credentials through DM so, I can have a look myself? and also please send me the name or email of the seller you want to create.

Thank You
-Team Sellacious
6 years ago
Thank you for the support. I have investigated further and learned how to create Sellers.

But now I am observing another issues. Completed purchase transactions are not appearing in the Transactions section. All Sales are setup as Cash On Delivery with no Payment processing online. Secondly, although I get the transaction successfully completed message, the quantity of the product purchased is NOT getting decremented. If I have 2 items and even if someone had purchased both items, the Product listings still shows 2 as available.

Is there anything I need to do to decrements the quantity.
6 years ago
Hello Reji,

You need to update the order status from Payment Pending Approval to Payment Approved. Go to Sellacious Administrator > Shop > Orders. As in sellacious by default COD in not payment approved. Once you update the order, the ordered product will decrement.

You can also change the payment status for this payment method from the Sellacious Administrator > Settings > Payment Methods > Cash On Delivery. Open this method and select Success status "Payment Approved".

I hope this helps.

Thank You
-Team Sellacious
6 years ago
Thank you for the instructions. But I have already had the "Payment Approved" method set for the "Cash on Delivery" payment method. What I am noticing is that the Transactions are not getting recorded on the "Transactions" section for some reason. I made a sample purchase and completed the transaction (Check out) as a "Cash on Delivery". And the Admin and the Buyer got their letter of confirmation also. However, the transaction never got recorded and the item was never decremented. I am not sure if I am missing any settings.
6 years ago
Hello Reji,

Can you check the orders and tell me payment status of that order? You can check that from Sellacious administrator > Shop > Orders.

Thank You
-Team Sellacious
6 years ago

Well the Payment status is still " Payment Pending Approval". I didn't know about the Orders section. But nevertheless, not sure why it is still payment Pending Approval, when I have the "Payment Approved" set for "Cash on Delivery".

Is there a way that we can set the payment to process as soon as the transaction is completed without approval?
6 years ago
Hello Reji,

Yes, You can do that from the Sellacious administrator > Settings > Payment Method > COD. Open that method and set Success status as "Payment Approved" (Check Screen-shot)


I hope this helps.

Thank You
-Team Sellacious
6 years ago
Yes, thank you. I had it already setup like that... but perhaps those transactions went through while I was making changes to the settings. In any case, it seems to be working now. I will keep monitoring to see if there are any issues.

Thanks for your prompt replies.
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