  Wednesday, 29 March 2017
  7 Replies
  3.4K Visits
I installed sellacious and unstalled . now wanted to install again and it gives error as follows:

JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL Table 'orienza_joom780.#__sellacious_sellers' doesn't exist SQL=ALTER TABLE `#__sellacious_sellers` ADD COLUMN `store_name` varchar(250) NOT NULL AFTER `code`, ADD COLUMN `store_address` mediumtext NOT NULL AFTER `store_name`;
Extension Update: SQL error processing query: DB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'orienza_joom780.#__sellacious_sellers' doesn't exist SQL=ALTER TABLE `#__sellacious_sellers` ADD COLUMN `store_name` varchar(250) NOT NULL AFTER `code`, ADD COLUMN `store_address` mediumtext NOT NULL AFTER `store_name`;

ALTER TABLE `#__sellacious_sellers`
ADD COLUMN `store_name` varchar(250) NOT NULL AFTER `code`,
ADD COLUMN `store_address` mediumtext NOT NULL AFTER `store_name`;

Package Update: There was an error installing an extension: com_sellacious.zip
Hi Brian,

Do you have this setup online so that i can have a look at it? If it's a local installation, I would need Teamviewer to do this.
7 years ago
Actually when I accessed sellacius component on the admin joomla under "components", it has a blank page and didnt let me activate my license.

That is the issue only.
7 years ago
backend displays nothing. Just a blank page.
Hi Brian,

Could you please elaborate "nothing displayed on Sellacious"?
Are we discussing about the frontend or backend?
7 years ago
Another problem now.

I installed sellacious, it worked, but when I added my choice of template and installed sample data of the template, I now get nothing displayed on the sellacious. How do I solve this??
7 years ago
Yes. Actually, I started w new joomla installation and did get it successful. I ignored the old installation. I will let you know how I work it around.

Hi Brian,

Thanks for posting your query.
Are you trying to install this on an online server? I can have a look at the installation if you can provide me the necessary access details.

Ankit A.
Team Sellacious
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