  Wednesday, 30 May 2018
  3 Replies
  4.5K Visits
the backend of your tool is not accessible any more. i don`t no way exactly.

Notice: Undefined index: sef in /.../libraries/src/Language/LanguageHelper.php on line 168

i already reported the problem to Vaijava Sharma via PM, but unfortunately i don't get an answer since 2 weeks.
now the test phase of your 14 day premium trail is over and I couldn't really test anything that would have been important to me to decide for your software Emoticon Unhappy
The error you got was Joomla and jcomment bug and not sellacious bug.

In next version, we will provide a patch for this problem in sellacious, so it will automatically fix.

Team sellacious
6 years ago
Hi Abhishek!
Very happy to read your answer. many thx that you have extended the trail - that helps me a lot!
One question to this bug, is this some problem what occurs only on my website or is this getting into the next version too?
That bug is now fixed on your website also I have activated another 14-day premium trial for you.

Looking forward to onboard you soon.

Team sellacious
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