  Tuesday, 29 May 2018
  4 Replies
  4.5K Visits
Hello team,

I have created a new Custom Field under Additional Attributes -> Profile Fields.
I would like this field to be displayed not only in the backend but also in the frontend in the Seller Store.
I already found the file (\templates\squick\html\com_sellacious\store\default.php)
Could you please tell me what I have to insert to display this new field in the Seller Store?
The field has the ID 535

Thank You in advance.
Greetings, Angelo
6 years ago
It does not work, but it works with "echo" instead of "$aboutUs"
Thank you very much for your Support!!! Emoticon Smile
6 years ago
You can use following code:

$aboutUs = $this->helper->field->getValue('profile', $seller->get('user_id'), 535, false);

Hope this helps. Thanks.
6 years ago
Hi Izhar,
thanks for reply!

That is all fine and works perfectly, but I would like one particular field named "About us" to be displayed also in the frontend under the Seller's Store
6 years ago
Hi Angelo,

You have the control which fields to show for users from which client category and which seller category. For this to work you need to assign your custom profile field in the desired client or seller category.

You don't need to touch any code for this. Emoticon Smile

  • Go to Sellacious backoffice. Select Categories > Client or Categories > Seller as you want.
  • Create or edit a user category.
  • Choose the tab "Profile Fields"
  • Select the custom fields that should be shown for the users of this category

Now you can see that any user in this client/seller category will have this field in their profile.

Hope this helps. Please let us know if you need further clarification.
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