  Sunday, 20 May 2018
  11 Replies
  3.2K Visits
Hi , I have clients i want to move from opencart to sellacious.
the client has a custom payment plugin that allows its clients to make payment using a bespoke credit.
so basically the clients after purchasing items enter the card details and its validated and processing continues.

We need to redesign the payment method/plugin existing plugin(which is for opencart) to work on sellacious. Can you assist by telling me which files need to be created for us to be able to achieve this;sample code would be welcome.
6 years ago

If you have resolved the issues mentioned here as apparent from https://www.sellacious.com/community-support/1979-capture-field-input-jform, then please close this thread so that we can discuss on a consolidated thread.

If this is not the case, please let us know what we can assist you with regarding this thread.

6 years ago

Your plugin has incorrect class name it should be PlgSellaciousPaymentKawukudi.
The constructor of the class has invalid number of arguments.

Please follow the guidelines in the documentation and also try to follow the code in the base class SellaciousPluginPayment to understand what you need to take care of.

6 years ago
Thanks for sharing we will get back to you after reviewing the code.


Thanks , i have resolved it though.

which of the files is responsible for displaying the fields at the client-end
fields for accepting Credit Card Number and PIN
Thanks for sharing we will get back to you after reviewing the code.

6 years ago
have you studied the documentation we shared with you? can you send us the plugin you have created? we want to verify if all guidelines is taken care of.


here you are
have you studied the documentation we shared with you? can you send us the plugin you have created? we want to verify if all guidelines is taken care of.

6 years ago
create a new payment method from interface by clicking on NEW and select the payment plugin you have created.

The concept is single payment plugin could be used based on different configuration.

Let us know if you need any further help.


my plugin does not appear in the list of handlers in sellacious.
it appears in the plugin list in joomla though
create a new payment method from interface by clicking on NEW and select the payment plugin you have created.

The concept is single payment plugin could be used based on different configuration.

Let us know if you need any further help.

6 years ago
how do i get the new plugin to appear under payment methods
6 years ago
Hello Edhor,

Thank you for writing us, here is a step by step documentation for creating sellacious payment plugin.



Thanks really Appreciated. would look through and revert
Hello Edhor,

Thank you for writing us, here is a step by step documentation for creating sellacious payment plugin.


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