  Thursday, 10 May 2018
  8 Replies
  2.3K Visits
This is what my website is showing. It was normal language in the past.
Hello Rick,

I would like to analyze some of your configurations related to language and files, can we have your site credentials please? It would be great If you can add cpanel or FTP access details too along with joomla super admin access. You can DM me from top right message section. (below search on community forum a message icon.)

6 years ago
At line 99 of file templates/squick/html/com_sellacious/products/default.php
I found this code:
$order = $this->state->get('list.custom_ordering');
$sortOptions = array(
); ?>

<div class="sortingbar">
<label for="custom_ordering"><?php echo JText::_('COM_SELLACIOUS_SORT_BY') ?></label>
<?php echo JHtml::_('select.genericlist', $sortOptions, 'custom_ordering', 'onchange="Joomla.submitform();"', 'value', 'text', $order) ?>
I am able to change the text in this area but I also noticed that it doesn't seem to sort anything. Nothing gets sorted regardless of the choices made. I tried with the code as above and with the changed text, neither changed the sorting. Perhaps where I have the price in my admin side is in the wrong place for the sorting by price? I have the price in Cost Price and Calculated Price. Perhaps the price needs to be in List Price or Fixed Price in order for the price sorting to function? For the time being I have simply removed the above code to remove the sorter completely from the site but I 'd like to know which area I need to have the price (if any) in order for the price sorter to function.
Thanks very much!
6 years ago
Can you send me your site credentials through DM so I look into it myself?
6 years ago
This is still an issue. Do you have any other suggestions since I don't have the line of code you suggested and I have the latest version of Sellacious?
6 years ago
I'm sorry to say that the last line of code in that file for me is 4769.
6 years ago
Hello Rick,


from line no. 4815 you can find these language keys there.

Try this and if you're still having the issue, inform me.

Thank you

-Team Sellacious
6 years ago
I'm very sorry for not mentioning this in my initial message. I have 1.5.3 which I think is the latest. The language files have not been touched. If I wanted to change the text manually, what is the path to the file that I would change and the approximate line number? I looked in the usual places and could not find anything.
Thank you very much,
6 years ago
Hello Rick,

Did you update your sellacious version?

And also check your language override.

Thank you

-Team Sellacious
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