  Monday, 07 May 2018
  2 Replies
  4.3K Visits
Hello there.
I tried changing seller permissions of my website.
In particular I would like to let a seller be able to change only the price of his own products. He should not be able to change seller informations or basin informations of his own products.
Thus I set permissions as in Image1 attached. I tested it logging in as seller and if I select my own product I am not able to change the price of them (I get a blanck page, see Image2).
The only way to let a seller be able to change product price is to allow "Edit Seller Details of own Product" but in this way seller has access to other informations that I would like to lock.
Is it my own problem or is it an issue?

Please let me know and thank you.

Best regards
6 years ago
Hello Marco,

There is the issue with this permission, we'll fix this soon. Till then you/seller can edit the price of the products from inventory manager.

And also if you allow the variants for seller's products, the seller will be able to edit the price.

Thank you

-Team Sellacious
6 years ago
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