  Friday, 06 April 2018
  7 Replies
  2.7K Visits
How do I turn off specific social icons in the SQUICK template? I know how to change the default settings for the icons but I want to remove/hide some of the icons.
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To Hide Social Icons:

  1. Go to template manager select template styles (Remember you have to do the same changes in all squick template).
  2. Under Basic tab scroll down and you'll see Social Icons, Select hide.[see attachment]

And for editing, there are few icons whose default values have been set through the code. You have to remove it from template.xml is you don't want them to show.
Although we have fixed that and will release in our next version.

6 years ago
No. I do not want to remove ALL of the social icons, I only want to remove SOME of the social icons. How do I do that?

What squick version you are using?
I'll send you a patch after that just replace on specified path, and later you can add link through template manager and if you don't want to show any icon just remove its link.

6 years ago
Also, I have gone to .../templates/squick/templateDetails.xml and removed the entire chunk of twitter code shown below...

<field name="twitter" type="text" label="HELIX_SOCIAL_ICON_TWITTER" default="#" description="HELIX_SOCIAL_ICON_TWITTER_DESC" class="child social_icons social_icons_1" />

...but the twitter icon still shows up on the website. So, how do I remove only the Twitter icon from the row of social icons?
You don't have to remove the whole line, just remove # from default and then check in template manager is there any value filled in its field. If yes then remove the value from there too.
6 years ago
That did the trick. Removing the # in both the XML file and the template manager. Case closed and thank you very much!.
Accepted Answer

Glad to know your issue has been fixed.
Now can you also mark this post as resolved.

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